Agenda item

Publication Local Plan - Update


The Executive Member for Development submitted a report for Executive’s consideration, the purpose of which was to update Executive on the new National Planning Policy Framework and the impact it had on the preparation of the Publication Local Plan.


In January 2024, the Executive approved the Draft Local Plan. This was a non-statutory stage that enabled community engagement on the plan between 1 February and 15 March 2024. The Draft Local Plan was made available online and in various Council buildings and libraries, and there was a series of 17 drop in events held across Middlesbrough.


During the consultation, over 2,000 responses were received on the Draft Local Plan, along with 4 petition-style responses, all of which were being considered in preparing the Publication Local Plan. To address some of the issues raised and ensure a robust evidence base, further work had been completed in house or commissioned, including:


·         Transport Assessment

·         Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

·         Viability Assessment

·         Gypsy & Traveller Site Assessment

·         Habitats Regulation Assessment

·         Heritage Impact Assessment

·         Infrastructure Delivery Plan


The Local Development Scheme, which set out the timetable for preparing the Local Plan, indicated that the Publication Local Plan would be prepared for January 2024 and that is what the Council had been working towards.


A Member commented that this process was an important part of the Council’s re-set priorities.




Not to progress the Publication Local Plan under transitional arrangements. This would mean the Council would no longer progress the Local Plan as agreed previously by the Council and would retain existing out-of-date policies for longer. Work on the Local Plan would have to restart in order to meet the requirements of the new NPPF. This would involve updating the evidence base in full. It was anticipated that this would take approximately 2-3 years and come at significant financial cost to the Council.


AGREED that Executive:


1.    Notes the issues arising from the new National Planning Policy Framework and endorses the revised approach to preparing the Publication Local Plan as set out in this report.

2.    Notes that a new timetable for preparing the Local Plan will be set out in a revised Local Development Scheme.

3.    Notes the update regarding Teessaurus Park.




It was a statutory requirement to prepare a Local Plan that identified land for development and could be used as a basis for determining planning applications. The Local Plan was critical for delivering some of the Council’s key strategic objectives, in particular population retention, increasing the housing supply and supporting economic growth. The development it would help secure would make a positive contribution to the financial sustainability of the Council.


Following earlier stages of plan preparation, including two separate periods of public consultation, the Local Plan was now being finalised for ‘Publication’ stage. This was a statutory stage, the purpose of which was to make the Local Plan available for inspection and invite formal representations upon it. It would provide the opportunity for interested parties and stakeholders to make formal representations, which must relate only to matters of soundness or legal compliance.


The Government published its revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 12th December 2024. This set out new planning policies that needed to be taken into consideration when preparing Local Plans and making decisions on planning applications. Critically, it placed new requirements on Council’s regarding the level of housing they needed to plan for in their areas.


To avoid returning to an earlier stage in the plan making process and accommodate the new national planning policies, it will be necessary to reach ‘Publication’ stage no later than 12th March 2025. This will allow the Plan to progress under transitional arrangements and be examined under the previous NPPF.


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