The Executive Member considered a report regarding traffic calming on Gunnergate Lane.
The purpose of the report was to detail the results and objections to the public consultation exercise carried out for the proposed scheme to implement road safety measures on Gunnergate Lane; and to seek Executive Member approval for the scheme to proceed.
As set out in the Middlesbrough Integrated Transport Strategy; Middlesbrough Council was committed to increasing the safety of the network for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
To achieve this objective, the Council was investing in infrastructure designed to lower speeding and through traffic rates on residential routes, improving safety levels for all network users.
The proposed scheme had been designed to decrease the speed levels in the area. Traffic survey results were detailed at paragraph 4.3 of the report.
The proposed scheme comprised pairs of speed cushions at 10 locations, build outs At one location and raised crossing points at two locations. The locations of the features were shown in Appendix one of the report.
The proposed scheme was on land dedicated for highway purposes and would be designed and maintained to a full adoptable standard.
As with all proposed highway improvement schemes, public consultation was carried out to seek the views of key stakeholders. Initial consultations with transport stakeholders, including the emergency services, raised no issues with the draft proposals. The public consultation exercise was then carried out over the period between 11 September 2024 and 4 October 2024, seeking the views of the following parties:
a) Occupiers of residential properties on Gunnergate Lane in the vicinity of the
proposed scheme.
b) Local Ward Councillors.
c) St Augustine’s School and Fairydell Park.
A total of 19 responses were received, with 11 in favour of the proposed scheme and eight against. In light of the comments received, some amendments / additions were made to the scheme and a decision was taken to proceed with the advertising of the required traffic regulation order.
The Executive Member for Environment and Sustainability thanked the officers for their input into the reports.
Do nothing. This was not recommended, as it would not
reduce high speeds, through traffic rates and improve safety levels for network
users in the area.
Road closure - residents, emergency services, bus
operators would likely object as this would completely sever the area and lead
to additional journey times / distances (up to 1.5 miles extra) with more
traffic on Stainton Way and Dixons Bank.
ORDERED that the Executive Member
Notes the single objection to the
proposed scheme to be considered with
proposed mitigations.
Approves the proposed scheme and
progresses to implementation during the
2024/25 financial year or as soon as
possible afterwards.
There was currently no traffic calming features in a
residential area with high levels of speeding, accidents and through traffic.
Despite the use of speed activated signs and repeated Police speed camera
enforcement, speeds and accidents remained high.
All decisions will come into force after five working
days following the day the decision(s) was published unless the decision
becomes subject to the call in procedures.
Supporting documents: