Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan Update, and Budget Savings Proposals 2021/22


The Mayor and the Director of Finance submitted a report with regard to the Medium Term Financial Plan Update, and Budget Savings Proposals 2021/22.


The report provided an update to Council of the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for the period to 2023/24, reflecting and supporting delivery of the Strategic Plan.


The Mayor advised that he had a number of amendments to make to the report that had been previously circulated.


The Mayor referred to Paragraph 15 of the report which included a number of planned budget savings for 2021/22 which were proposed as part of the budget report to Council in February 2020 and were already assumed in the MTFP


The Mayor advised that since this report was considered by Executive the Government had announced the details of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 and this had now clarified a number of assumptions and it was clear that the amount of money the Council was going to receive from the Government in 2021/22 was greater than had been forecast. As a result of officers already finding a way of saving the Council £1.9m in efficiencies which did not impact on the public of Middlesbrough the Council had some room for manoeuvre on the setting of its 2021/22 Budget. As a result, the proposal to move to fortnightly bin collections included at Paragraph 15 of the report, would be removed from the proposed budget savings as this could now be funded from the additional money identified above.



In addition, the proposed increase in Council Tax included at Paragraph 29 of the report would be 2.75% rather 3.99%.


The Mayor advised that the executive were not convinced that Middlesbrough was ready for fortnightly collections as fly-tipping in some parts of town could get worse. He stated that the Council would focus on educating people to recycle by working with the public, schools and the university to promote recycling.


Councillor M Storey stated that he believed most people would be happy to hear that fortnightly bin collections was no longer an option. However, he asked what had changed, where the Council would find the money and how recycling education would be increased.


The Mayor advised that the Council now had certainty over the amount of money it was receiving from the Government and following an examination of different departmental budgets, weekly bin collections would be retained for the time being.

The Mayor advised that initiatives had been planned in schools to promote recycling - with advice notices on bins to advise what could or couldn't be recycled as well as residents being offered a second recycling bin.


Councillor Mawston advised that the retention of weekly bin collections was excellent news for all residents. He stated that two of the political groups that were in favour of weekly bin collections had submitted a call-in in respect of the previous decision to go to two weekly bin collections. He stated that the Council needed an excellent recycling programme and they needed to involve schools in the programme.


Councillor Cooper advised that he would email his question to the Mayor, as he was having technical issues.


Councillor J Walker thanked the Executive for changing their mind and taking on board the comments from residents with regard to fortnightly bin collections.


Councillor McTigue queried with regard to what happened to litter that had been picked up and whether it was recycled. She also thanked the Mayor for agreeing to go on a walkabout of the Ward. The Mayor advised that litter picked up as part of a litter pick was not recycled as far as he was aware.


Councillor Higgins stated that she agreed with the idea of visiting schools to educate about recycling.


Councillor Coupe congratulated the Executive on the way they had managed the budget. He stated that he agreed with the idea of educating children in schools about recycling.


Councillor Saunders stated that he was pleased that the decision to go to fortnightly bin collections was to be reversed. He queried whether any future decision regarding fortnightly bin collections could be deferred until the next election.


The Mayor advised that it would depend on whether recycling rates improved, the carbon footprint was reduced and funding was available.

ORDERED as follows:


1. That the Council note the updated Medium Term Financial Plan position for 2020-24.

2. That the Council note that the proposal to move to fortnightly bin collections included at Paragraph 15 of the report, would be removed from the budget savings as the savings that would have been achieved if the proposal had been implemented, would be funded from the additional funding identified by officers.

3. That the Council note the proposed additional budget efficiency savings for 2021/22 detailed in Appendix 1 which are considered to have minimal or no effect on front line service delivery levels, and notes that the revised proposed budget and Council Tax increase of 2.75% for 2021/22 would be subject to public consultation commencing on 17 December 2020 and ending on 31 January 2021.

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