Agenda item

Revenue Budget, Council Tax, Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy 2021/22


The Mayor presented a report which set out the proposed Revenue Budget, Council Tax, Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy for 2021/22.


Members commented on the overall budget and thanked the Council officers for their hard work in pulling the budget together.


It was highlighted that the proposed increase in Council Tax was below the increase recommended by the Government.


It was commented that the government needed to agree the Public Health Grant and that the Local Government Settlement Grant should be based on deprivation to allow the Council to provide the necessary services to local people.


In accordance with statutory regulations a recorded vote was taken by roll call of those Members present at that time, the results of which were as follows:-


Votes For: (42)


The Mayor (A Preston), Councillors Arundale, Bell, Branson, Cooke, Cooper, Coupe, Davison, Dean, Dodds, Furness, Garvey, Hellaoui, Higgins, High, Hill, C Hobson, J Hobson, Hubbard, Hussain, Lewis, Mason, Mawston, McCabe, McTigue, Nugent, Platt, Polano, Purvis, Rooney, Rostron, Sands, Saunders, Smiles, M Storey, P Storey, , Uddin, J Walker, S Walker, Waters, Wilson, Wright


Against (0)                  Abstentions (0)


ORDERED as follows:


That the Council approves the proposed budget strategy for 2021/22 as set out in paragraphs 35 to 70, and approves the proposed budget efficiency savings for 2021/22 (Appendices 1).


That the Council approves the budget requirement for 2021/22 to be set at £116,492,035 as detailed in Appendix 2.


Having taken into account the matters set out in Section 32 of the Local Government Act 1992 and the items set out within the report that the Council approves that the basic amount of Council Tax (Band D) for 2021/22 be £1,757.67 being a 1.99% increase in general Council Tax and an annual precept of 0.76% for Adult Social Care which has been continued by the Government to contribute towards the shortfall of funding for adult social care. In total this represents an increase of 2.75% in the basic amount of Council Tax for the whole of the Borough.


That the Council approves the actual amount of Council Tax (Band D) for areas without parish precepts (excluding Fire and Police) be set at £1,757.11.


That the Council approves the actual amount of Council Tax (Band D) for areas with parish precepts (excluding Fire and Police) be set at :-


Nunthorpe Parish £1,761.41

Stainton and Thornton Parish £1,766.42 


That the Council approves the amounts of Council Tax for each category of dwelling be set in accordance with table 4 of Appendix 4 within the report.


That the Council notes the refreshed Medium-Term Financial Plan position for 2021- 24 set out in this report in paragraphs 90 to 119.


That the Council approves the updated Investment Strategy for the period to 2023/24 as outlined in paragraphs 120 to 124 and detailed in Appendix 5.


That the Council approves the Capital Strategy Report (Prudential indicators, Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision) 2021/22 as outlined in paragraphs 125 to 136 and detailed in Appendix 6, and approves the Authorised Limit for external borrowing of £315 million for the Council for 2021/22 as set out in paragraph 135.


**The Chair announced that as the budget had been approved, the meeting scheduled for 5 March 2021, would now be cancelled.

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