Agenda item

Teessaurus Park Improvements


The Executive Member for Education and Communities and the Director of Regeneration and Culture submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek approval for funding of £250,000 for the proposed improvements to Teessaurus Park.


The Teessaurus Park attracted visitors from across the north and had been synonymous with Middlesbrough since its opening in 1979. The park had provided opportunities for children, families and adults to enjoy the area and the access to the river.


As with any park or leisure space, there was a constant need to update the offer and ensure that the attraction continued to support Middlesbrough’s desired cultural image.


To facilitate that, a working group had been set up in 2020, which explored options for improving Teessaurus Park. A range of improvements had been identified and costings gathered and aligned to the improvement plan.


The proposed improvements to the park to be funded from the £250,000 capital investment were as follows:

·        40ft café unit to include internal toilets and customer seating, full kitchen and appliances, a serving hatch for take away refreshments (it proposed that the operation of the café would be outsourced and managed by an independent business);

·        enhanced lighting throughout the park to be installed on columns and located to illuminate paths and the dinosaur sculptures;

·        improved footpaths throughout the park to improve accessibility;

·        mains utilities provision to the park of electricity, water and drainage;

·        children’s zip wire and embankment slide to help increase visitor dwell time;

·        accessible children’s play equipment for children with disabilities;

·        installation of three CCTV cameras mounted to columns;

·        motion sensors and sound system installed on columns close to dinosaur sculptures to make dinosaur sounds when visitors pass them;

·        points of interest around the park (including installation of large outdoor fixed dinosaur-themed jigsaw puzzles and large dinosaur footprints);

·        improved signage to direct visitors to the park from the A66;

·        improved new signage around the park, including educational signage providing information on each dinosaur; and

·        development of a marketing campaign to increase visitor numbers and creation of a brand for the park.


Subject to Executive approval, the improvement works would commence in late May 2021 with planning permission application, followed by a procurement exercise to tender for the purchase of the café unit and site works would be expected to commence in May and be completed in late September 2021.


A discussion ensued and Members commented on:

·        the importance of providing toilets and changing facilities that could be accessed and utilised by children with disabilities;

·        the need to improve access to the site in respect of public transport; and

·        the need for the Director of Finance to explore alternative funding options and financial opportunities in order to deliver the improvement works.


In light of discussions, the Mayor proposed an amendment to the recommendations of the submitted report. Following a vote, Members were in agreement that, if no alternative funding options could be identified by the Director of Finance to deliver the improvement works, approval would be granted to access funds from the Capital programme, which had been agreed by full Council.



An alternative option that had been considered was to leave the park in its current condition and not improve it any further. That option was not recommended as it would not have assisted with improving visitor numbers to the town and would not have provided an improved leisure offering to residents and those who work in Middlesbrough.




1.      That work be undertaken by the Director of Finance to explore alternative funding options and financial opportunities in order to deliver the improvement works; and

2.      That funding of £250,000, for the proposed improvements to Teessaurus Park, be approved.




The proposal to improve Teessaurus Park was recommended to enhance, develop and further market the presence of the popular and unique visitor attraction within the town. The unique offer planned to benefit the people who lived and worked in Middlesbrough and also to enhance the town’s leisure offering to visitors, aiming to increase and develop visitor attendance from the wider Tees Valley. The outlined developments would increase visitor dwell time at the park which offered large open green spaces, free admission, free car parking and led on to popular walking routes along the River Tees.


The proposed improvements would make the park more of an inclusive environment for everyone due to the improved paths and walkways and the installation of accessible play equipment for children with disabilities. The park could become a great venue to host outdoor events and educational paleontology sessions for school children could be held there.


Increased marketing and interpretation opportunities were proposed to increase awareness of the unique outdoor space, access to the river and increase the knowledge of the presence of a series of playful public art pieces within the town. It was felt that it was important to connect the park up with the wider public art plans for the town and the importance of connecting local people with cultural and heritage assets. Working with the marketing and communications team would develop a comprehensive plan to promote the park to audiences in Middlesbrough, the Tees Valley and the Wider North East Region.


Sponsorship for some improvements could be explored with local businesses and a marketing campaign could be developed to identify a brand for the park and to increase awareness of the site.


Overall, the proposed developments planned to improve the much-loved leisure facility, which was truly unique in the Tees Valley and North East of England and growing on the Council’s reputation of offering high-quality green spaces. It would be the aspiration to work towards green flag award ensuring Middlesbrough continued to develop vibrant opportunities.


Initial stakeholder consultation had been undertaken with the Executive Member for Culture and Communities and the Executive Member for Environment and was not statutorily required.


The proposal to improve Teessaurus Park had not been examined by the Overview and Scrutiny Board or by a Scrutiny Panel.

Supporting documents: