Agenda item

Future for Families - update

The Service Manager for Future for Families will provide an update to the Board.


The Service Manager for Future for Families provided a presentation to update the Board on the progress in relation to Future for Families.


The Service Manager outlined that this quarterly report was based on the data requirements set out in the Ofsted Fostering Data Set, which is a statutory return compiled using data as of the 31 March each year. The data returned for the statutory year 2019/20 has been included as a benchmark.


The table below defines each quarter. It also shows the date the data is collated for each 3-Month period.


Quarter 1 - 0April, May and June – (Data taken on the 30 June 2020)

Quarter 2 - July, August and September – (Data taken on the 30 September 2020)

Quarter 3 - October, November and December – (Data taken on the 31 December 2020)

Quarter 4 - January, February and March – (Data taken on the 31 March 2021)


The Manager provided the following update:


·         The service have worked with 55 Young people since the service opened in September 2020.

·         There are 16 young people on the edge of care who are receiving support from the service.

·         There are 19 young people who are looked after who have a plan of return from external residential placements to family or foster care who are supported by FFF.

·         The service have stepped away from 20 young people – the support offered by FFF has stabilised the placement and the service is no longer required.


The service regularly received Regulation 44 visits and received regular feedback from young people, their parents/ carers and professions. Some of the comments received in relation to the service are outlined below:


“I like the hub the staff are lovely. My son has now got used to going there; it did take him a while. I feel he is getting all of the support he needs there. I have no problems with them at all and no suggestions; they're just lovely, they do all that they can”. – Parent


“Staff listen to me and talk to me before this wouldn’t happen in my last home”. – Young person


“Xmas was mint given, even though I only came here a few days before! I was a bit down about not being with younger kids. The staff made me have the best time. I got nice presents.” – Young person


“The member of staff working with a young person returning home was praised at how well they had built a relationship with a young person they are currently working with. And that the work is really valuable. – Allocated Social Worker


“I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for all the support you and your team offered a young person. The situation had reached crisis and it was only down to the flexibility, support and commitment of you and your team, to young people that we were able to progress a safe robust plan. Since working in Middlesbrough I feel that your service has been invaluable in supporting the cohort of children we have been working with. This has not only improved outcomes for children and young people in Middlesbrough but also provided a valuable support the role of the SW team”. –Director of Therapeutic Care Innovate Service


The Service Manager finally outlined that the Futures for Families service was inspected by Ofsted on the 19th February 2021. The report has not been shared at this stage as it was currently being reviewed through Ofsteds Quality assurance process, however feedback at this stage was extremely positive.



AGREED- That the update be noted.







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