Agenda item

Covid - 19 Update

The Director of Children Service’s will provide a verbal update to the Board.


The Director of Children’s Social Care provided an update in relation to Covid 19. The Director advised that schools returned on 8 March 2021 and have now returned from the Easter break and are learning and teaching.


The impact of bubbles collapsing in schools due to covid-19 was currently low, however there were plans in place in case a third wave of the virus. Testing in schools across Middlesbrough was also working well.


From a social care perspective, the service had seen an increase in demand in terms of front door contact and referrals since 8 March 2021. In March, there were almost 300 more contacts than in February 2021. This was a similar trend to September 2020 when restrictions were eased, so there is a continuation and this was being monitored.


Sickness levels within the service remain stable and relatively low. This information is recorded to the Strategic Improvement Board and other parts of the Council




Children Looked after and school attendance


The Director handed over to the Virtual School Head who advised the Board that since schools returned 90% of looked after children were in school and this percentage was in line with Redcar and Cleveland.


As the Virtual school was an improvement journey, they would like attendance to improve and were working with families/ looked after children to address this. The Virtual school was also working alongside the Head of Looked After Children and Corporate Parenting to address this at a strategic level. The Head advised that they have systems in place whereby they will receive daily information from schools on attendance levels of looked after children. This data will indicate whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised. They have set up weekly meetings which consists of the Virtual School Head, a manager from the looked after children team and representatives from health and they use this as a triage system. Within these meetings they will discuss all the barriers which prevent children from attending school (from health needs etc) and we complete this information into a decision making tool, which is sent forwarded to the Team manager and social worker and from there, they will make a choice as to whether action needs to be taken.


From these meetings, the Head of Looked after children and Corporate Parenting Board outlined that they have been able to identity a number of looked after children who require targeted intervention to get them back into school.


In terms of additional work, any actions agreed are included within the personal education plan (PEP) , so that the young person and school are aware of these steps.


The Chair asked whether Welfare call could be explained further as she was aware Middlesbrough utlised this system.

In response, the Head of Virtual Schools outlined that Middlesbrough contracted Welfare Call in 2016 and they will ring schools and ask whether Middlesbrough's looked after children are in attendance d if not, the reasons behind this. This information is then uploaded onto an icloud , where the Head of Virtual schools has assess too.  It was also discussed that welfare call may also be rolled out to use for Middlesbrough's children in need and child protection cohort.


The Chair thanked the Director and officers for their update.


AGREED- That the information be noted.