Agenda item

Corporate Performance Update: Quarter Two 2021/22


The Mayor and Lead Member for Children’s Social Care, Adult Social Care and Public Health and the Chief Executive submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to advise the Executive of corporate performance at the end of Quarter Two 2021/22 and, where appropriate, seek approval of any changes.


The Council’s performance overall at the end of Quarter Two had been largely positive, with expected performance standards as set out in the Council’s risk appetite being achieved and further improving from the Quarter One reported position in the majority of areas.


In terms of progress in delivering Executive actions, at Quarter Two, 59 of 65 live actions (91%) were reported as on target to be delivered by the agreed timescales, down from the 98% reported at Quarter One, but remaining above the 90% standard of achievement of actions. Four proposed amendments for Executive approval were set out at Appendix 1.


The Strategic Plan for 2021-24, set out nine strategic priorities for the period that were supported by an associated set of outcome measures and a workplan, which planned to see delivery of sustained improvement, up to and beyond 2024.


In terms of outcomes, those were reported at paragraphs 12 to 16 of the submitted report. At the end of Quarter Two, six of 24 Strategic Plan outcomes were either improving or static against the Quarter One position, with three worsening. 


In terms of workplan activity, that was reported at paragraphs 17 to 20. At the end of Quarter Two, performance against the Strategic Plan workplan was set out below paragraph 18, exceeding the corporate target of 90%. Whilst there had been no Red / off-track workplan initiatives at the end of Quarter Two, following review at Directorate Dashboard Performance Reviews, the two set out below paragraph 20 of the submitted report were identified as requiring revised dates in order to avoid future slippage.


Issues that impact on the risk profile of the Council were reflected within the Council’s Strategic Risk Register (SRR), which was reviewed in the quarter in line with the Council’s policy and was set out at Appendix 3. The total number of risks on the SRR reduced to 30 from 35 at Quarter One, comprising 19 high risks and 11 medium risks.


Directorates were accountable for a number of Directorate-specific actions each year to ensure ongoing compliance with legal duties and best practice and that business change was well managed. Directorate Priorities for 2021/22 were set out at Appendix 4. At the end of Quarter Two, 98% of Directorate Priorities were rated either Green or Amber (i.e. some milestone slippage but still expected to be delivered in-year), in line with the expected standard of 90%. Performance in delivering mitigating actions associated with high or medium risks on Directorate Risk Registers was 94%, above the expected performance standard of 90%.


Progress in delivering programmes and projects was highlighted at paragraph 31 and progress in other corporate performance matters was detailed at paragraphs 32 and 33 of the submitted report.




1.     That the proposed amendments to Executive actions, outlined at Appendix 1, be approved.

2.     That the progress in implementing the Strategic Plan 2021-24 at Quarter One 2021/22 (Appendix 2) be noted and the revised deadlines for the action at paragraph 20 be approved.

3.     That in light of the position outlined in the report, the Council’s updated Strategic Risk Register at Appendix 3 be noted.

4.     That the progress in implementing 2021/22 Directorate priorities, set out at Appendix 4, be noted.




To enable the effective management of performance and risk in line with the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance.

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