Agenda item

The South Tees Carers Strategy and the model for future commissioning


The Director of Adult Social Care and Health submitted a report that approval of the new model for the future commissioning of a South Tees Carers Offer, the new South Tees Carers Strategy and Action Plan and that a collaborative procurement be conducted led by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council.

The report required an approval as In line with the Council’s Scheme of Delegations Executive approves where a contract will be let in excess of £150k.


The report outlined that a review of carers services was undertaken collectively by Middlesbrough Council, Redcar and Cleveland Council and the outgoing South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group, in conjunction with other key stakeholders and carers. The review identified the issues of the existing model of provision in both Middlesbrough and its neighbouring authority and developed potential solutions. The key productions from this review were:


  • Development of a South Tees Carers Strategy with Action Plan
  • Development of a new Integrated Model of Support for Carers


The strategy sets out a joint strategic direction of travel for carers services irrespective of where you live in South Tees, and the new model of support assists in ensuring that a single framework of support that will provide a consistent level of service with improved outcomes for carers across South Tees.


A Joint Commissioning Group (comprising Middlesbrough Council, Redcar & Cleveland Council and Tees Valley CCG commissioners) have been working together to develop a South Tees Carers Offer.  The model developed will replace the existing separate services across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland Council areas.

The report provided further information on the South Tees Carers Strategy and action plan and the South Tees Carers Commissioning Model, further details of which were outlined in the report.



Other potential decisions and why these have not been recommended


1.    Individual contracts could be tendered separately however this would in essence result in a similar position to that experienced currently whereby support provision is delivered in a silo approach, as contracts as not facilitated to work in partnership.


2.    A separate option would be for Middlesbrough Council to develop it’s own model of provision, however from consultation undertaken it is evident that consistency of the offer is critical and avoidance of what can often be viewed as a “postcode lottery” of support is vital when designing future services. The budget for support is funded through the Better Care Fund, which is a pooled fund with health, whom are keen to see consistency of approach across their footprint. Therefore a collaborative approach is beneficial both in terms of efficiency and consistency in approach.



That the following be approved:

·         New model of delivery of the South Tees Carers Offer

·         South Tees Carers Strategy and Action Plan

·         Collaborative procurement led by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council.



The decisions were supported by the following reasons:


1.    There were currently many services that support carers and those whom they care for, providing vital support, interventions and delivering many positive outcomes. There are a variety of organisations currently commissioned across the area to deliver these services. However, these services often work independently to provide support.


2.    In addition to the Strategy, a series of Task & Finish Groups consisting of statutory providers, VCS organisations and unpaid carers have finalised an Action Plan to be taken forward with the Strategy. The Action Plan was informed directly by the over-arching broad aims and objectives of the Strategy, identifying specific deliverables and offering guidance for measuring progress against the objectives.


3.    Input in regard to the development of the model has been provided through the South Tees carers Forum, and operational staff operational staff from both local authorities have been instrumental in developing its design specification.


4.    Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have agreed to lead the procurement and the opportunity will be advertised via NEPO on 19th August 2021.



Supporting documents: