Agenda item

Executive Member reports


The Chair invited Members to raise items for general discussion arising from the Information Booklet of Executive Member reports which detailed activities carried out within the respective Executive Member portfolios (Section 1), Executive decisions taken (Section 2) or to be taken where known, prior to and following the meeting (Sections 3 and 4).

Questions on the Mayor’s Executive Member report


Councillor Higgins in relation to Commissioner


Councillor Higgins stated that she was concerned with regard to the political situation with regard to Children’s Services. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Children’s Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel had resigned and the Mayor was currently the Lead Member for Children’s Services. Councillor Higgins stated that she was concerned that the political turmoil might lead to the Council being advised that it could no longer run Children’s Services, which would be devastating following the improvements that had been made to the service.


The Mayor advised that there had been a great improvement in Children’s Services. The Council had received a positive report from the Commissioner and he had recommended to the Government that the Council was ready to run and manage Children’s Services. The formal announcement was due to be made on 15 September, but following changes in the Government positions, the announcement had been delayed.


In response to the resignations of the Chair and Vice Chair of the scrutiny panel, the Mayor advised that he did not have any influence on scrutiny positions within the Council.


Councillor Uddin queried whether the Mayor could provide an update on the current position in respect of vaccinations and what the procedure was for obtaining a booster.


The Mayor advised that he did not have the latest figures to hand in respect of vaccinations, but he advised that he would forward them and details of the procedure for obtaining boosters, in due course.


Councillor Thompson commented, that as an ambassador of ‘You’ve Got This’, she was pleased to see that it was included in the Executive Member reports and that the ‘Beat the Box’ initiative that was due to be launched on 26 September 2021 was being promoted.


Councillor Smiles stated that she was looking forward to ‘Beat the Box’. Little boxes would be placed across the whole town and all of the schools were involved. Young people would be set a town-wide exercise to locate the boxes either by cycling or walking, to improve fitness. The children would then tag the boxes with little key chains. It was a positive initiative for the whole town. Up to 13% of residents were involved, but Councillor Smiles urged councillors to encourage their residents to become involved. 


The Mayor stated that he wished to pay tribute to Hugh and Emma Alberti from the Green Party, who had alerted the Mayor to the initiative over a year ago. The Director of Public Health had sourced funding to bring it to Middlesbrough. He stated that it would be lots of fun and a good way to get fit.



Questions on the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Culture and Communities report


Councillor Mawston in relation to Stewart Park


Councillor Mawston stated that he wished to pay tribute to John Fearns, one of the stewards of the Park Run who had recently died aged 88. Mr Fearns had been a steward of the Park Run since its inception. He was a former Middlesbrough Council officer. He was a friend of Stewart Park and Marton library and a volunteer at Marton Community Centre. He had also carried out work in relation to the environment. Councillor Mawston stated that Mr Fearns had carried on cycling throughout his life and he was known as the man on the bike and he felt it was important to pay tribute to him.


Councillor Smiles echoed Councillor Mawston’s sentiments and passed on her condolences, and advised that she was sure that all the other councillors would join her in acknowledging Mr Fearn’s passing.


Councillor Branson in relation to Newham Grange Farm.


Councillor Branson stated that he welcomed the introduction of community allotments and he thanked Councillor Smiles, the area care team and members of the Erimus Rotary Club. He stated that he was surprised at the high level of demand for allotments and there needed to be an increase in allotments across the town.


Councillor Smiles advised that it had been lovely to visit Newham Grange Farm. It was the Jewel in the Crown for Middlesbrough. People who were interested in having an allotment would be placed on a waiting list until one became available. Allotments had become more popular during the lockdown period as they were good for peoples’ mental and physical health. It was hoped that more allotments could be created across the town.


Questions on the Executive Member for Environment, Finance and Governance report


Councillor Cooke in relation to Recycling


Councillor Cooke stated that there had been 2 new recycling initiatives that had been successful. The area care team were now operating with split bins, with a section for recycled waste and a section for general waste, which could result in less items being sent to land fill. There had also been a trial to deliver recycling bags to 600 homes in Newport and it was hoped that this could be rolled out in other wards that used the bags, to encourage residents to recycle.


Councillor Cooper stated that the new split bins were very good and easy to push. Residents used to visit Streets Ahead to collect the bags but it was planned to post the bags through the letterboxes of residents in the future.   


Councillor Thompson in relation to Hedges and Shrubs.


Councillor Thompson stated that she was in favour of the idea of supporting micro forests, however some trees needed pruning or moving as they were located in the wrong place.


Councillor Cooper advised that the Council had an agreed strategy for dealing with dead/deceased/damaged trees. He stated that in terms of trees, the Council needed to do the right thing, at the right place at the right time.


Councillor Thompson queried whether when a councillor identified a tree where the shoots were expanding all over, whether the trees would be pruned.


Councillor Cooper advised that officers would inspect any trees where they had been notified that they were in need of pruning, and get the job done.


Councillor Hellaoui in relation to APSE Service Awards 2021.


Councillor Hellaoui stated that she wished to pay tribute to the Council’s area care team. The APSE awards recognised the best in public service and shared good practice. The Council’s area care team had been awarded 1st place in the Best Service Team Award, out of a total of 320 submissions and Councillor Hellaoui stated that she wanted to offer her congratulations to the team on this great achievement.


Councillor Cooper stated that he was sure that the staff would appreciate the fact that their efforts had been recognised. 


Question on the Executive Member for Regeneration report


Councillor Furness in relation to Towns Fund – Ward Initiatives


Councillor Furness stated that the funding that had been allocated could have a huge impact. He stated that he would like to see the funding rolled out continually, rather than a ‘one-off’ event.


Councillor Polano advised that there was a process for Councillors to feed ideas in with regard to the use of the funding in their Ward.

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