Residential Care Manager will provide a presentation to the Board.
The Service Manager for Future for Families,
attended the Board to provide an update on the service over the last 12 months
and the wider system change for Middlesbrough.
The Service Manager outlined that following the
Ofsted inspection, Future for families set about to changing culture, and did
this by adopting and adapting the Provocations and Non Negotiables of No Wrong
Door (service in North Yorkshire to which Future for families is adopted from).
What this meant for Middlesbrough was we needed to think about was important to
Middlesbrough and to use provocations and non negotiables to shape a new
culture for Middlesbrough.
In the first 12 months, the Service Manager
outlined that Future for Families
received 163 referrals in 12 months
with 91 young people and families which is 56% of all referrals
working with 43 young people and their families
young people have returned home from residential placements to family
young people who have had high levels of support 3:1 in external residential
were now supported within the hub on reduced staffing levels.
Within Future for Families, they look to
understand the child’s journey and this is done by the power of deep dive. Deep
dive looks at all the key events in a young persons’ life and allow to listen
to the young person and share their experiences through support from their
workers. We look forward at their aspirations and lastly reflect and look at
lessons learnt. Any outcomes are fed back to senior management. Deep dives look
to change the way of thinking for professions involved and make an impact on
practice. Over the past 12 months approx. 50 deep dive sessions have been
The Board heard that Future for families has
also looked at increasing safety for young people in Middlesbrough, by adapting
and adopting RAISE- Risk, Analysis, Intervention, Solution, Evaluation. RAISE
is a process from North Yorkshire which Middlesbrough has adapted to fit the
young people of Middlesbrough.
The RAISE group looks at therapeutic measures to
reduce risk for the young people. The service has also done RAISE for young
people in the Risk Management group (RMG), Edge of Care or with a group, who
may be involved in a worrying situations. The Raise process has also used with
young people who may be involved/exploited in organised crime groups (OCG) and
have supported with 15 missing plans for our most vulnerable young people , who
are not under future for families.
The Service Manager further outlined that it was
important to invest time to save time later, and this has been done by
upskilling colleagues from across children’s social care.
Future for families have looked at the following
over the last 12 months:
power of communications
informed practice
for families have done presentations on themselves to challanage their service,
by asking, what are we? How can we help?
dive process for newly qualifies social workers, this training has been well
training support in the development of training for managers.
Cost avoidance – what does it mean for
Lastly the Service Manager outlined the cost
avoidance and how future for families has assisted.
u During 2020/21 two young people moved into the Futures
for Families hub where in the previous year they where in external Residential
at a cost of £28,000 a week (£1,206,000 for the period of their stay at FFF
actual savings) This is the equivalent of Gleneagles short break service for
children with disabilities and Rosecroft children’s home.
Cost avoidance
Following the presentation, the Chair queried
what support is provided to families once the young person’s returns home. In
response, the Service Manager advised that this was done on an individual
basis, between the family and social worker and look at their needs. Once it is decided that they no longer need
professional support, they will be directed to other outreach support e.g.
early help.
AGREED- That the update be noted.
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