The Head of
Public Protection and the Selective Landlord Licensing Manager will provide an
update on the recommendations approved in the final report on Selective
Landlord Licensing in October 2018.
The Panel
will receive an evaluation of the scheme in North Ormesby
and receive further information on the redesignation
on the scheme in North Ormesby and the impact of the scheme
in Newport.
The Chair welcome the Selective Landlord
Licensing Manager and the Head of Public Protection to the meeting. The Head of
Public Protection firstly outlined that when Selective Landlord Licensing first
came into place, the Team sat under Community Safety, however it now sits under
Public Protection. The Head of Service was very proud of what the team had
achieved, along with partners and hoped this would continue.
The Manager went through a presentation, the
main areas covered were as follows:
is selective landlord licensing?
Make up of the team
dates/ areas and costs
license data
selective landlord licensing works with partners
selective landlord licensing supports landlords
of findings from North Ormesby report
What is selective landlord licensing?
In 2018, the panel submitted their final report
to Executive on Selective Landlord licensing in North Ormesby
and were well aware of the scheme, however for clarity the Manager advised that
Selective Landlord Licensing was brought in Under Part 3, Housing Act 2004 and the areas of
North Ormesby and Part of Newport Ward were
designated for Selective Landlord Licensing (SLL).
criteria for designations were as follows:
-Experiencing low housing demand; and
-Significant & persistent antisocial behaviour
purpose of the schemes was to improve standards of property management in the
private rented sector.
occupied privately rented property within the designated areas are required to
apply to be licensed including a Fit and Proper check (Fraud, violence, drugs,
sexual offences, Illegal discrimination, Breaches of housing/landlord &
tenant laws);
licence lasts a maximum of five years, ceasing to end when the designation ends
and failure to apply (unlimited fine) and Breach of conditions (fine up to
mentioned by the Manager, the Team now sat under Public Protection and consists
of the following officers:
Head of
Public Protection Service
1 SLL Manager
2.5 Neighbourhood Safety Officer (dedicated to
Newport & North Ormesby)
2 Tenancy Relations Officer (one in each area)
1 SLL Officer
1.5 SLL Assistant
Environment Health Officers
In terms of the schemes, the Panel heard that
the first scheme in North Ormesby came about in 1st January 2016
– 31st December 2020. The cost for the scheme was
£580 plus £20 fit and proper check.
The Newport Scheme is from 13th June
2019 – 12th June 2024, however only covers part of Newport as phase
1. The License Fee £730 + £20 Fit and
proper check.
Following the success of North Ormesby, the Council went on to re-designate North Ormesby and the current scheme started in 14th
June 2021 and will run until 13th June 2026. The License Fee is £745
+ £20 Fit and proper check. The reason for the increase in license fee was that
during the first scheme, the fees were part funded by the Council whereas the
re-designation scheme and Newport and funded by license fees only.
The Manager advised the panel that the License
fees are ring-fenced and are only used to deliver the scheme.
Application/ license data
The Manager provided some data to the panel on
the application data and license date.
In terms of North Ormesby Scheme 1 -
934 licences were issued covering 867 properties. This exceeded the initial
estimation of 550 properties covered by the scheme by 164%.
Newport Scheme – 845 licences
issued to date, further 107 still to issue.
Initial estimation of number of properties to be licensed 800;
North Ormesby
re-designation -
properties applied 520 to date, 358 outstanding. Estimated
properties 878.
Manager outlined that there had been a relatively low number of legal cases
taken against landlords for not licensing their properties. 4 resulted in court
hearings and 8 landlords applied for their licence after receiving their court
part of the terms of the license, inspection visits are undertaken. 100% of all
properties applying for a licence will be inspected by a multi-agency team and
Landlords are given the opportunity to attend.
Multi-agency inspection team includes:
Tenancy Relations Officer (TRO)
Environmental Health Officer (EHO) - Housing
Health & Safety Rating (HHSRS) and
other legislation.
Neighbourhood Safety Officer (if ASB connected
to tenant/property)
Check compliance with licence
conditions (Tenancy Relations Officer)
Ensure hazards/disrepair/issues are
identified and action to remedy (EHO)
Provide support to tenants where needed
(Tenancy Relations Officer)
Track any criminal activity in the
property (Neighbourhood Officer/Police)
the Licence conditions, the team as landlords to supply an annual gas safety
certificates to the Council, evidence that electrical equipment & furniture
provided is safe, Fit smoke alarms, Tenant referencing, management and
anti-social behaviour addressed. The Manager further went on to show the Panel
photographs of a property and provided a case study.
CASE STUDY Numerous inspection visits arranged, but the
tenant repeatedly wouldn’t allow access.
Tenant was initially angry as he was confused as
to who his managing agent was as they kept changing. Inspection highlighted at least four Category 1
(most serious) Hazards in the property (no boiler, no heating, no hot water,
the bathroom roof falling in), the kitchen was inaccessible and had no
cooking facilities. Prohibition Order was served. The Landlord has since installed a new boiler,
new kitchen (including cooking facilities), new bathroom roof, bathroom
suite, new rear windows downstairs, new back door and new carpets in the
property. |
Since the scheme began, the relationship with
partners has grown, and the Team have become a face of the designated
areas. SLL works with partners to:
To Referrals/signposting
to other agencies;
Increased reporting of
Antisocial Behaviour issues (improved community confidence);
Landlords/Managing Agents
engaging in support plans to tackle Anti- social behaviour tenants;
Section 8, Section 21
Notices served (possession proceedings) and House closures.
Dedicated Street Wardens
and Neighbourhood Safety Officers;
Intelligence shared on drug dealing perpetrators, properties and cannabis
Fire Safety referrals,
Smoke alarms fitted, Home Fire Safety Visits offered with every Selective
Licensing inspection carried out;
Walkabouts identifying fly tipping and properties open for access;
Contact centre referrals;
Supported with Facelift
projects and identifying alleys for makeovers;
Compliments the work of the locality based approach which is operating
out of North Ormesby and Newport (further
investigation on locality working would be undertaken by the panel in due
Selective landlord
licensing support Landlords by:
Supported landlords with
online applications and inspection process
Empty properties
identified and referred to the Rent and refurb scheme within the Council
Robust measures taken for
tenancy breaches
Increased membership of
Middlesbrough Council Tenancy Referencing scheme and reference checks
Tenancy relations officer
supporting tenants with complex issues/supporting landlords with tenancy issues
Free empty property
Dedicated Neighbourhood
Safety Officer;
Dedicated Tenancy
Relations Officer;
Rent recovery in excess
of £5,000;
Referencing; and
Post tenancy visits for
new and existing tenancies.
As part of the Panel’s recommendations to the
Executive, they asked for the Panel to have sight of the evaluation document of
the North Ormesby scheme 1 report. The panel during
their investigation saw the vital necessity for the scheme and were keen to see
its affects. The Evaluation scheme was shared to the panel within the agenda
pack, however the Manager provided a brief summary for ease of reference:
Finally, the Manager
provided the next steps in terms of Selective Landlord Licesning.
The team will:
Continue with the current schemes and monitor progress and outcomes.
Consider of the need for additional schemes in the town. The team are possibly looking Newport Phase
II – as this meets the housing stock, crime and ASB criteria. The process for implementation would be:
Consultation – 10 week
Consider and report on
consultation outcome;
Seek approval;
Designation of scheme -
scheme comes into force (3 months after approval);
Formal notification of
Carry out recruitment and
training for any additional staff required for Licensing Team;
Cost to implement a
Selective Licensing scheme calculated by how much an officers time costs to
complete preliminary checks, procedural checks, granting of a licence,
compliance checks, pre application, annual and ongoing
During the questions, a
panel member mentioned the issue with gangs of youths in the area, however the
Manager outlined that they were on the team’s rader
and outlined steps that were being taken.
A member queried about
the 5 year license and how many times can you re-designate an area, as we would
hope after 5 years you would see considerable change.
In response, the Manager
stared that scheme 1 in North Ormesby was a new
scheme and a lot of lessons were learnt during this time. At the end of the 5
years, the areas had improved but we did not want to stop the scheme and allow
the area to go back to what it was- the team and residents wanted it to
A panel member also
outlined that she felt extending the scheme to central ward would be
beneficial, however the Manager outlined that at present, they Council was only
looking at Newport phase 2 (due to the tumble weed effect), however it didn’t
mean in the future Central ward or any other ward could not be considered
(depending on criteria )
The Manager also stated
that in terms of designating an area, if the areas are kept at 20%, scheme can
be approved by the Executive, but anything above the 20% would require
Secretary of State approval.
Following the
presentation, the Chair and members thanked the officers for their time and
valuable information.
That the information be noted.
Supporting documents: