Agenda item

Mayor's Statement and Report


The Mayor stated that he wished to speak about the following issues:




The Mayor stated that there had been an increase in the rate of Covid infections, and he reminded everyone that Covid was lethal to some people. He urged people not to panic, but to be sensible and to continue to wear face masks. Middlesbrough was currently about 80th position in the table of rates of Covid cases, but as the town suffered from high unemployment and had a dense population; compared to other towns with the same issues, Middlesbrough had a lower rate of infections. The Mayor stated that this was largely down to work of the Council’s Public Health Team. He encouraged people to take up the offer of having a vaccination or booster.


Hemlington Ward


The Mayor referred to a small group of people in the Hemlington area that were carrying out anti-social behaviour and intimidating residents. Some residents that lived in the Hemlington area were afraid to report any instances of anti-social behaviour to the police or the council. The groups carrying out the anti-social behaviour were aged between 12 – 16 years of age and they were committing serious crimes. He stated that he was pleased to see that some people had been arrested and that action would be taken against the perpetrators. The same groups had been throwing bottles at the police and the fire brigade.


The Mayor urged people living in the Hemlington Ward to report any instances of anti-social behaviour to the police or crime stoppers. He stated that the Council also needed to put pressure on those involved in the sentencing process.


Wardens had been under attack along with the police and the fire brigade. The Wardens had been involved in numerous different tasks whilst performing their role as a Warden, including saving 13 lives, reuniting dementia sufferers and lost children or pets with their families and assisting the homeless by signposting them to the correct services in order for them to be re-housed. The Mayor also referred to the work of the Fly-Tipping Enforcement Team.


Standards Complaints


The Mayor referred to the amount of money and time being spent on investigating complaints against councillors. He urged councilors to think whether a complaint was necessary, before submitting a Standards complaint against another councillor.


The Mayor stated that if any person felt lonely, isolated or intimidated, the Council was available to help improve their life. He urged residents to get in touch with the Council and they would do what they could to assist.


Councillor Mawston referred to the good response to attending for vaccinations at the mobile vaccination centre in Newport. He stated that only a few members were involved in submitting complaints against other councillors.


The Mayor stated that there was currently a culture in the Council of councillors using the Standards complaints process to bully other councilors. This was causing a strain on the department responsible for dealing with the complaints in terms of the time being taken up to investigate the complaints and there was also a financial cost involved.


Councillor Rooney stated that everyone needed to be more vigilant in respect of dealing with Covid and she stated that she had been hoping for a stronger message to be conveyed to the public with regard to helping to prevent the spread of Covid.


Councillor Rooney stated that it was pleasing to see the queues of people waiting to receive their vaccinations at the Newport hub. The Riverside site was sometimes difficult for residents to get to, so it was good to see that residents had access to other more accessible sites to receive their vaccination.


In terms of the anti-social behaviour in the Hemlington Ward, Councillor Rooney urged residents to report any instances to the appropriate authorities.


In terms of the amount of Standards complaints, Councillor Rooney stated that councilors had a duty to uphold the highest standards of behaviour. If there had been an increase in the number of complaints being submitted, then this needed to be looked into to see what the reason was for the increase in the receipt of complaints.


**At this point of the meeting, member were informed that there had been a break down in the filming of the meeting. As, according to the Access to Information Rules, the meeting was open to the public to attend, the meeting continued.


Councillor Cooke referred to the excellent attendance at the Newport vaccination centre.


In terms of the issues of anti-social behaviour being experienced in the Hemlington area, Councillor Cooke stated that locality working should be rolled out in that and other Wards. It had made a huge difference to anti-social behaviour in the Newport Ward.


In relation to the increase in the number of Standards complaints, Councillor Cooke stated that having seen some emails concerning councillors and their families, he could understand why some of the complaints had been submitted and were justified. He stated that any councilor submitting unnecessary complaints should be identified.


The Mayor stated that it was interesting to see that crime had reduced in the Newport Ward, but it was too early to tell if this was as a result of the introduction of locality working.


He stated that the Standards complaints system was available for instances where any attempts to resolve a complaint informally, had failed. He reiterated the cost involved, in terms of time and money, for investigating complaints against councilors, and he urged councillors to be responsible in terms of the use of the Standards complaints system.


Councillor Hellaoui stated that given the increased rate of Covid infections, it was ill-advised for councillors to be meeting in the Council Chamber for the Council meeting. Not very councillor had carried out a lateral flow test or was wearing a face mask. Councillor Hellaoui stated that in her view, councilors were placing themselves at risk, by meeting in the Council Chamber.


Councillor Hellaoui stated that the queues at the Newport Hub for people wanting to receive a vaccination were long, but very well managed. The pop up hubs and locality working were working very well.


The Mayor stated that it was important to try and get things back to normal, but the Council would not take unnecessary risks. The air conditioning was working in the Council Chamber and both doors were open.


Councillor Coupe referred to the fact that some people were not wearing masks when visiting the supermarket, or carry out social distancing, and this might lead to a further lockdown. The cancellation of operations in hospitals would have an effect on the health service for some time to come.


In terms of the number of complaints being submitted, Councillor Coupe stated that councillors often had differing political opinions, and that was acceptable. If people in the community were of the view that councillors were complaining about each other regularly, it might prevent new candidates putting themselves forward to stand as a councillor.


Councillor Bell stated that he echoed the sentiments of the Mayor with regards to the issues in Hemlington Ward. The police were working with the Neighbourhood Safety Team with regard to the anti-social behaviour and more people were coming forward to make a complaint. Councillor Bell stated that he would like to see a greater presence in terms of Street Wardens, the police and the Council’s Enforcement Team in the Hemlington area.