The Head of
Virtual Schools will present the school transitions 2021 to the Board.
The Head of Access
to Education presented the virtual schools transitions 2021 report to the
Board. As way of introduction, the Board were made aware that the Virtual
schools governing body had asked the Head of Virtual Schools to provide some clarity
regarding key transitions in the education of children looked after e.g.
significant point where a child is moving from education setting to the next
and these are points in a child’s live if the support isn’t right, that
learning and progress can be put back.
All children looked after have a personal education
plan (PEP) and the PEO process supports pupils at transition points throughout
their school journey; this includes transition into care, emergency moves and
natural transitions such as starting reception, moving to secondary school or
post 16 education.
The routines and processes in place that support all
transitions must be flexible to ensure the needs of
individual children are met. Where possible children will need time to become
familiar with their new surroundings, at their own pace and with support from
their key person. Planning should start 12 months preceding any natural
transition point and then be a continuous and evolving process that can be
adapted to meet the needs of the individual child. Many activities such as
joint meetings between settings and school staff can be on-going throughout the
In terms of support, the Officer outlined the
following in terms of the following transitions:
Children aged 2+
who attend an educational provision are required to have a Personal Education
Plan (PEP) which records both care planning information as well as educational
next steps to ensure appropriate progress is made. Normally, this transition is
quite straightforward, by there are exceptions.
Last year;
children transitioned from nursery to reception
of those children are now in their forever homes and are no longer looked after
children had SEN support needs and 0 had an EHCP
children started reception in schools outside of Middlesbrough
Primary to Secondary
The transition to
secondary school is a huge step for all children and especially big step for
children who are looked after. When a child moves to secondary school they no
longer remain in one class all day, but are required to move around the school.
Children have to deal with timetables and a wide variety of subjects.
Some common
transitional problems for children are as follows:
leaving primary school children go from being the oldest to the youngest in
their new school.
having one teacher in primary school children will have to cope with as many as
ten or more teachers with different teaching styles and personalities.
school is much bigger and children will go from having one classroom to ten or
is more homework to be done.
larger number of textbooks need to be transported and organised.
longer school day.
competition both academically and in sports and activities.
pace of teaching
to make new friends – this is especially difficult if a child’s primary school
friends have not moved to the same secondary school.
In order to support
year 6 transition all looked after children received £1,000 Pupil Premium Plus
to ensure enhanced and bespoke transition arrangements were in place.
Last year:
children transitioned from primary to secondary
of those children are now in their forever homes and are no longer looked after
12 children
had SEN support needs and 10 had an EHCP
children started secondary in schools outside of Middlesbrough
Post 16
Young people left school on the last Friday in June.
All young people of school leaving age needed to do one of the following:
stay in full-time education, for example at school,
sixth form college or further education college
start an apprenticeship or traineeship
spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering
while also doing part-time education or training
The local authority has a duty to make sure young
people are offered a suitable place by the end of September. This is known as
the September Guarantee.
Care leavers are eligible for the 16 to 19 Bursary
Fund which can help with things like books, travel and equipment.
Last year;
47 children transitioned from secondary to post
2 of those children are now in their forever homes and
are no longer looked after
15 children had SEN support needs and 13 had an EHCP
38 had an offer of full time education and the other 9
had a training place offer.
September 2021 Education, employment and training
NEET 23%
Education 66%
Employment 6%
Training 5%
Finally the Board were shown some diagrams which
outlined the planning process for a child looked after to ensure transition
goes as smoothly as possible. E.g. EYFS planning will begin 2 years in advance
of a child starting school.
The Chair thanked the officer for his presentation.
AGREED- That the presentation be noted.
Supporting documents: