RECOMMENDATION: That the Panel considers
the content of the draft Final Report and agrees conclusions and
recommendations for submission to the Executive.
A copy of the Draft Final Report on Middlesbrough Council’s Green Strategy had been circulated with the agenda.
Members discussed the information provided and suggested
recommendations for inclusion in the Final Report.
AGREED that:
1. the following conclusions
were approved for inclusion in the report:
examine the Council’s proposals to meet Government targets for greenhouse gas
emissions, make Middlesbrough more climate resilient, and minimise the
environmental impact of services.
Since declaring
a climate crisis in 2019, Middlesbrough Council set out a ten year plan to take
the lead on environmental issues, become net carbon neutral by 2029 and ensure
the town is net carbon neutral by 2029.
The Council’s
Green Strategy, based on the ten One Planet Living principles, will help the
Council achieve its aims, along with Government targets, by taking sustained action on
environmental improvements, standards and awareness, community cohesion,
culture, wildlife, landscape, travel, materials, consumables, waste and carbon energy.
During the first year
of the Green Strategy Action Plan, amongst other achievements, there have been
many biodiversity improvements throughout the town, a Big Green Week of action
in September 2021, a carbon audit of the Council’s vehicle fleet, and
an awareness and education programme introduced to boost recycling rates.
To investigate in detail the following elements of
Middlesbrough Council’s Green Strategy Action Plan:
• Land Use and Wildlife
• Culture and Communities
• Sustainable Transport
All three Action
Groups have identified key areas for action and are developing initiatives that
contribute to Middlesbrough becoming a greener and more sustainable place to
From the evidence
presented, it is acknowledged that for the Council to achieve many of its green ambitions, community awareness and
engagement must be encouraged and improved.
Middlesbrough Council needs to lead by example and ensure that the Green
Strategy is embedded in, and promoted by, everything that it does. There are several long-established community
groups working hard on environmental issues in the town that could benefit from
additional volunteers and publicity.
The introduction of
measures such as the Local Implementation Plan (LIP), additional Electric
Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs), Travel Planning Service, Bus Service
Improvement Partnership (BSIP) and the Council’s new Infrastructure Plan, will
aid the move to more sustainable travel around Middlesbrough and the Tees
Valley. It was however recognised that
there was still more action that needed to be taken in respect of improving
public transport and encouraging modal shift and that there were no easy
solutions. Similarly it was noted that
the technologies associated with electric vehicles were still evolving and the
TVCA’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Project would not necessarily
meet the demand for EVCPs within the Tees Valley.
To identify and investigate examples of best practice that can
be adopted in Middlesbrough.
Sheffield City
Council’s Grey to Green Strategy and Sandwell Metropolitan Council’s West
Bromwich Market Outdoor Market project provided the Panel with ideas that could
be potentially be adopted in Middlesbrough.
As well as the positive environmental impacts of both projects there are
also tangible social and economic benefits.
Sheffield’s Grey to
Green Strategy incorporates many of the key areas for action identified by the Land Use and Wildlife/Sustainable Water
Action Group for Middlesbrough’s Green Strategy. There are also ideas in both projects that
could perhaps contribute to Middlesbrough’s town centre regeneration - a topic
explored in the Panel’s scrutiny review of Middlesbrough Regeneration Post-Covid 19, which was undertaken in 2020/2021. In particular the Panel thought that the
introduction of a regular street market could greatly benefit the town,
although further detailed investigation would need to be undertaken as to the
viability of this suggestion.
the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK in early 2020, has increased
the importance of attractive and well maintained outdoor public spaces for some
businesses such as cafes, bars, restaurants and markets, as well as for
exercise and other leisure activities and entertainment or performance
2. the
following recommendations were approved for inclusion in the report:
A) Explore
the potential for a permanent structure modelled on the West Bromwich Outdoor
Market project that could provide a covered performance area in Captain Cook
Square, or stalls for street markets or community events, that would also
generate renewable electricity and contribute to Middlesbrough’s net carbon
neutral targets.
B) Middlesbrough Council should liaise with
Sheffield City Council regarding their Grey to Green Strategy, ensure that the
Council’s Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS)
Guide identifies appropriate plant species that are attractive, low
maintenance, improve biodiversity net gain and provide all season coverage for
use in SuDs planting schemes and more generally
throughout the town.
C) Review and replace signage and information
boards as necessary on dedicated cycle routes throughout the Town to help
cyclists plan their leisure or commute journeys and use the available network
D) Produce a map or guide to the cycle network
either in paper format, or that could be downloaded onto a digital device from
the Council’s website or made
available from the Middlesbrough’s Town Hall, Libraries and/or Community Hubs.
E) Through the planning process, encourage
Developers to include Electric Vehicle Charging Point (EVCPs) in new houses,
housing or commercial developments.
F) Middlesbrough Council should continue to
press the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) to seek further funding to at
least maintain the current number of bus services, and increase them wherever
G) Middlesbrough Council should ask the TVCA to
work with Local Authorities to ensure that
new bus routes are provided in
all new housing developments at the point of delivery, so that greater
patronage of services can be encouraged as soon as houses are occupied.
H) Introduce a Wash, Squash and Recycle Campaign
to reduce the level and volume of contaminated items currently collected from
domestic recycling bins, and improve current recycling rates.
I) Trial a pilot scheme in one or two wards,
for sowing more wildflower areas and moving to a monthly grass cutting regime,
with more frequent litter picking, and grass cleared from the footpaths
immediately after mowing.
J) Continue to build on initiatives such as the
Green Month Takeover and Green Action Days to promote and improve membership of
established local volunteer groups and encourage greater participation by
Elected Members, Council Employees and Middlesbrough Residents to make
Middlesbrough greener.
3. a final version of
the report would be circulated to all Panel Members for any
amendments/comments, with final approval delegated to the Chair of the Panel.
4. the final report
would be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Board for consideration.
Supporting documents: