A report of the Director of Legal and
Governance Services (Monitoring Officer) was presented to outline the Council’s
approach to performance and risk management, to summarise activity in the past
year and planned activity for 2022, and to provide the Committee with assurance
that the Council had robust arrangements in place for these disciplines.
The Council’s approach to these disciplines
was articulated within the following policies:
Performance Management Policy.
Programme and Project Management Policy.
Risk and Opportunity Management Policy.
In February 2020, revised versions of these
policies were approved by the Executive to maximise their impact on the
Council’s strategic aims and priorities, as set out within the Strategic
Plan. It was noted at the meeting that
the date of approval of the Strategic Plan by Executive was 27 May 2021 and not
11 May 2021 as stated in the submitted report.
The revisions better aligned and integrated the process underpinning
these policies and improved their relationship with financial management
procedures, and aimed to better exploit the solutions provided by the Council’s
digital and information strategies to promote real-time and more effective
management. These policies were further embedded during 2021.
Details of the arrangements in place to
manage performance and risk management within the Council, progress in the past
year, and plans to further strengthen arrangements were provided in paragraphs
5 to 38 of the submitted report.
The following areas were highlighted at the meeting:
In response to the Boho X audit, the PMO
reviewed the Council’s portfolio in detail and this work identified issues with
the recording and management of controls within several projects that had now
been amended. It was also noted that
some projects had proceeded to delivery stage apparently without prior approval
of a business case by the appropriate body of the Council, as required by the
PPM Policy. However, in all three cases
an equivalent process to ensure value for money had been undertaken, for
example, financial assessment signed off by the Section 151 Officer. Those Officers who did not follow the correct
process had been advised.
AGREED that:
1. the information
provided was received and noted.
2. details of the three specific projects that had proceeded to delivery stage without completing the business case pro forma would be forwarded to the Members of the Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee for information.
Supporting documents: