Update on Licensing Policies
At the request of the Chair, the Licensing Manager
provided a verbal update in relation to several Licensing Policies which were
due to be renewed imminently. Each of
the policies had been drafted to reflect the necessary revisions and were due
to be consulted upon.
The key changes for each policy were highlighted as
Licensing Act Policy – The Cumulative Impact
Policy in respect of off-licensed premises would remain in place and it was
proposed that it be extended to two additional wards. Retaining and extending the CIP was supported
by evidence from Cleveland Police and Public Health.
Gambling Policy – Members were advised that there were no
major changes to this Policy and that gambling premises were generally
well-regulated by the Gambling Commission and caused very few problems on a day
to day basis for Licensing. Members were
also updated on the latest position in relation to Casinos in Middlesbrough.
Taxi Licensing Policy
The vehicle age restriction policy had been amended so that a vehicle
could now be first registered up to five years of age and continue to be
licensed until its tenth birthday.
Previously a vehicle had to be no older than three years on first
registration and could be licensed up until its fifth birthday. This amendment followed consultation with the
taxi trade and was in line with other local authorities.
The policy on window tints would be scrapped. This policy was initially introduced some
years ago and, over time, privacy glass in vehicles is generally fitted as
standard, sometimes meaning that operators had to replace factory fitted
windows in vehicles in order to comply.
In summary, only standard manufactured tints would be allowed.
In relation to testing requirements for drivers, it was proposed to
remove the questions in relation to the Highway Code and to also remove the
knowledge test (in relation to local geography) for private hire vehicle
drivers as their booking systems included sat-nav with each booking. It was not proposed to remove the knowledge
test for hackney carriage drivers at this stage.
The full Taxi Licensing Policy would be reflective of the Government’s
recommendations to introduce Statutory Minimum Standards for Taxis and Private
Hire Vehicles. The main focus of
introducing minimum standards was to particularly protect vulnerable children
and adults, however, it would be beneficial for all passengers.
Some of the minimum standards were already in place in Middlesbrough,
other standards would see minor changes to current policy and some changes
would be more major in nature. For
example, policy guidance on conviction tariffs were predominantly met already
in Middlesbrough, however, guidelines on drugs offences were set to become much
stricter. This would include immediate
revocation of a driver’s licence should they fail a drugs test.
In addition, from 4 April 2022, any individual applying for a
taxi/private hire vehicle driver licence or operator’s licence, or a scrap
metal dealer’s site/collector, must ensure that they were registered to pay
tax. This requirement would also apply
to certain types of licence renewals. This
would be a significant piece of work for the Licensing Department in terms of
making the necessary additional checks.
The Government standards would also see the introduction of further
safeguarding requirements for Private Hire Vehicle Operators, including DBS
Members would be provided with a copy of the
amended Policy and a table of proposed amendments once the document went out
for consultation.