Agenda item

Council Committees - Establishment - Terms of Reference - Allocation of Places - Memberships - 2022 - 2023


Council received a report of the Monitoring Officer, regarding the establishment of committees, sub-committees, boards, panels and working groups for the 2022 - 2023 Municipal Year, or until amended by Council, (whichever was the latter)


Schedule A of the report submitted set out the Executive and Executive Sub-Committees and Advisory Bodies as agreed by the Mayor.


Schedules B and C identified the nominations received from the various groups and individual Councillors for places on the committees to be established by the Council in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of the Local Government Act 1989 and Local Government (Political Groups and Committees) Regulations 1990.


The report included a list of current vacancies on various committees and nominations were put forward at the meeting by the individual Members' concerned.


The Monitoring Officer conducted a vote in respect of the role of Chair/Vice Chair and nominations for spare places, where applicable, in relation to the following committees:


Schedule B


Live Well – South Tees Health Board

2 Vacancies – open to all Members

1 nomination: Councillor D Davison

Councillor D Davison appointed



Schedule C


Chief Officer Appointments Committee

1 nomination for Chair: Councillor Mawston

Chair: Councillor Mawston appointed


Constitution and Members Development Committee

Chair: Councillor J Hobson appointed

Vice Chair: Councillor Bell appointed


Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Hubbard and Councillor Rooney

Following a vote Councillor Hubbard was appointed as Chair


1 nomination from Councillor Platt for Vice Chair

Vice Chair: Councillor Platt appointed


1 Vacancy – open to all Members

1 nomination: Councillor C Hobson

Councillor C Hobson appointed


Corporate Health and Safety Steering Group

1 nomination for Chair from Councillor Branson

Chair: Councillor Branson appointed                                                              

2 Vacancies: – open to all Members

1 nomination: Councillor J Hobson

Councillor J Hobson appointed




1 nomination for Chair from Councillor C Hobson

Chair: Councillor C Hobson appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair from Councillor Davison

Vice Chair: Councillor Davison appointed


Licensing Committee

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Arundale and Councillor Cooke

Following a vote, Councillor Arundale was appointed as Chair


1 nomination for Vice-Chair from Councillor Polano

Vice Chair: Councillor Polano appointed

2 Vacancies – open to all Members

1 nomination: Councillor McCabe

Councillor McCabe appointed




2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Saunders and Councillor Thompson

Following a vote, Councillor Saunders was appointed as Chair


1 nomination for Vice-Chair from Councillor Mawston

Vice Chair: Councillor Mawston appointed


Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel

4 Vacancies – open to all Members

4 nominations: Councillor Dean, Hellaoui, Higgins and Rooney

Councillor Dean, Councillor Hellaoui, Councillor Higgins, Councillor Rooney appointed.


Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel

1 nomination for Chair: Councillor Platt

Chair: Councillor Platt appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor Wilson

Vice Chair: Councillor Wilson appointed

1 Vacancy: 1 nomination from Councillor Sands

Councillor Sands appointed


Children and Young Peoples’ Learning Scrutiny Panel

1 nomination for Chair: Councillor McCabe

Chair: Councillor McCabe appointed


1 nomination for Vice Chair: Councillor Saunders

Vice Chair: Councillor Saunders appointed


1 Vacancy: 1 nomination from Councillor C Hobson

Councillor C Hobson appointed


Children and Young Peoples’ Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Davison and Uddin

Following a vote, Councillor Davison was appointed as Chair


1 nomination for Vice Chair: Councillor Mawston

Vice Chair: Councillor Mawston appointed



Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Lewis and McIntyre

Following a vote, Councillor McIntyre was appointed as Chair


1 nomination for Vice Chair: Councillor Wilson

Vice Chair: Councillor Wilson appointed


1 Vacancy: 1 nomination from Councillor McCabe

Councillor McCabe appointed


Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Furness and McTigue

Following a vote, Councillor McTigue was appointed as Chair


2 nominations for Vice-Chair; Councillors Arundale and Thompson

Following a vote, Councillor Arundale was appointed as Vice-Chair


Health Scrutiny Panel

1 nomination for Chair: Councillor Jones

Chair: Councillor Jones appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor McIntyre

Vice Chair: Councillor McIntyre appointed


1 Vacancy: 1 nomination: Councillor Davison

Councillor Davison appointed




1 nomination for Chair: Councillor J Hobson

Chair: Councillor J Hobson appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor Coupe

Vice Chair: Councillor Coupe appointed


StaFF APPEALS Committee

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Bell and Councillor Dean

Following a vote, Councillor Bell was appointed as Chair


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor Cooper

Vice Chair: Councillor Cooper appointed


1 Vacancy: originally reserved for Labour

1 Labour nomination: Councillor Thompson

Councillor Thompson appointed


Standards Committee

1 nomination for Chair: Councillor Mawston

Chair: Councillor Mawston appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor Saunders

Vice Chair: Councillor Saunders appointed

Teesside Pension Fund Committee

2 nominations for Chair: Councillor Coupe and Councillor Furness

Following a vote, Councillor Coupe appointed


1 nomination for Vice-Chair: Councillor Polano

Vice Chair: Councillor Polano appointed


3 Vacancies:

2 Vacancies – open to all Members: 1 nomination: Councillor Hill

1 Vacancy open to MIG: 1 nomination: Councillor McCabe

Councillor Hill and Councillor McCabe appointed



Works Council

Chair is Deputy Mayor


2 Vacancies: 1 nomination: Councillor Saunders

Councillor Saunders appointed



ORDERED as follows:


1.         That the terms of reference of committees, sub committees, boards panels and working groups, as detailed in the schedule to the report, be approved.


2.         That subject to the receipt of nominations to vacancies or amendments to places indicated in the schedule to the report, that the places allocated in accordance with the wishes of the political groups and other councillors, be approved.


3.         That the membership, size and terms of reference of the Executive and its sub-committees, approved by the Mayor for 2022 onwards, as set out in Schedule A, in the Appendix to the report, be noted.


4.         That the vacancies, listed at Paragraph 6 of the report, be filled in accordance with political group and other councillors’ preferences.

Supporting documents: