The recommendations to be submitted to the
Executive were:
a) That the sustained
efforts being made to reduce the number of children looked after in
Middlesbrough, in line with our regional statistical neighbours, be supported and
that the performance scorecard being reported to LMT on a six-weekly basis in
relation to this indicator be shared with the Panel on a quarterly basis.
b) That a specific piece
of work be undertaken to establish why a high percentage of children (15.1%)
become looked after at birth and that this work includes performance
information and exploration of whether further interventions can be put in
place to reduce this figure. If
appropriate, a set of performance indicators should be identified to monitor
improvement over the next year in the first instance.
c) That analysis be
undertaken to identify any potential gaps in child protection provision in the
more ethnically diverse wards and further work be undertaken to provide
assurance that the statistical under representation/over representation of
children of different ethnicities being looked after by the local authority
aligns with the level of need amongst these groups.
d) That work be undertaken
to identify how the provision of Early Help can be increased in North Ormesby,
(subject to further analysis and if this remains appropriate), and that the
recommendations put forward by the Children and Young People’s Social Care
Scrutiny Panel in its Final Report on ‘Locality Working from a Children’s
Services Perspective’ regarding further assessment of demand and the number of
Early Help workers assigned to the areas, be taken forward.
e) That the sustained
efforts to increase the number of children being placed in an in-house foster
placement be continued and that the targets established remain a key priority
indicator for the service and performance be regularly reported to the Panel.
f) The Panel appreciated
the challenges faced by the service in relation to the recruitment and
retention of Foster Carers and the continuous efforts being made to increase
in-house Foster Carer provision. The Panel recommended that additional feedback
is sought from Foster Carers leaving Middlesbrough’s Fostering Service to
ensure that the information gained through the satisfaction surveys is fully
utilised to focus on continuing improvement in this area.
g) The Panel noted that
there is currently very little advertising across the town to indicate that
Middlesbrough Council needs and wants more people to become in-house foster
carers. The Panel recommended that the work to increase the number of in-house
foster carers continues with pace and focus on additional advertising and
marketing which should be analysed to improve awareness of the continuous need
for more people to become in-house foster carers.
h) The Panel acknowledged
the improvements in the reduction of the use of Connected Carer Placements and
Placements with Parents, however, it remains an area for improvement, and it is
recommended that performance data is regularly presented to the panel in
respect of these elements.
the findings and recommendations of the Children and Young People’s Social Care
Scrutiny Panel be endorsed and referred to the Executive.
Supporting documents: