The recommendations to be submitted to the
Executive were:
a) That the panel
supported the continuation of Locality Working in both Newport and North
Ormesby and further supported the roll-out of the model to other areas of the
town based on priority need, to be determined through demand analysis,
community surveys and led by the evaluation report for consideration by the
b) In supporting the
Locality Working model in Middlesbrough, the Panel recommended that discussions
with senior managers and directors of finance within all public sector partner
organisations were held with a view to appropriately and proportionately
funding each locality working area to ensure sufficient staffing allocations to
meet demand. The Panel would further
recommend that appropriate core structures are in place within the locality
teams to ensure that Neighbourhood Managers are fully supported and deputised
for during periods of absence/holidays.
c) The Panel acknowledged
the high numbers of early help cases in both Newport and North Ormesby and
noted the views of the Early Help Practitioners that they feel there are not
enough practitioners to meet demand. The
Panel recommended that, subject to further analysis, consideration be given to
the number of Early Help workers allocated to each area.
d) The Panel noted the
impact data in respect of Children’s Social Care Services within the localities
and that the number of children looked after remained high. The Panel
acknowledges that, whilst social workers have been in place for some time in
the locality areas, they have only fairly recently been moved into one team to
ensure consistency of approach and management oversight. The Panel, therefore,
recommends that impact continues to be monitored and reported to the Panel in
six months’ time.
e) That Early Help
Practitioners and the Social Workers be introduced to appropriate staff within
each of the areas’ schools to build up relationships and discuss
children/families requiring support through regular dialogue and that the work
of the locality teams be promoted and regularly discussed with school
leadership teams.
f) That school readiness
and children’s centre registrations continue to be monitored and promoted in a
range of languages to maximise reach and take up of nursery places to ensure
that children are ready for school to optimise their learning potential.
g) That relevant community
and voluntary organisations, including schools, be equally involved in the
locality teams and that appropriate information sharing takes place to ensure:
i) That access to a
‘signposting directory’ of all services and organisations available to support
families within the localities was available to all partners via the
Neighbourhood Manager/a designated co-ordinator.
ii) That programmes of
activities and events designed to support children and families are planned,
discussed and co-ordinated in advance between partners within the localities to
avoid unnecessary duplication and ensure those who need help and support
receive it. (For example, that the
Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) provision is co-ordinated in conjunction with Feast
of Fun activity to maximise appropriate take-up and avoid duplication).
h) That stronger links are
made, through Public Health colleagues if and where appropriate, between
primary care and acute care providers including GPs, mental health provision,
midwife and health visiting services with improved referral pathways to Early
Help and Children’s Social Care Services where appropriate.
i) That all partners were
familiar with Middlesbrough’s threshold of need document when making referrals
to children’s social care to improve the quality of referrals and ensure that
the correct level of support can be determined and provided as quickly as
possible and that the document be readily accessible via the Neighbourhood
Manager/designated Co-ordinator.
j) That Locality Working
in Middlesbrough should be better promoted and clearly branded to ensure that
all partners, and the community, are aware of how it operates, who is involved
and how to make contact. The Wigan Deal
is a good example of this where each priority area has an ‘our part’ (the
borough’s public sector organisations and partners) and a ‘your part’
(residents) so that the principles of working together to achieve joint
ambitions is realised with each partner aware of what is expected of them.
the findings and recommendations of the Children and Young People’s Social Care
Scrutiny Panel be endorsed and referred to the Executive.
Supporting documents: