Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel
Councillor J. Platt (Chair)
Children & Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. McCabe (Chair)
Children & Young People’s Social Care and Scrutiny
Councillor D. Davison (Chair)
Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel
Councillor C. McIntyre (Chair)
Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure
Scrutiny Panel
Councillor J. McTigue (Chair)
Health Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. Jones (Chair)
Scrutiny Chair provided an update on the work undertaken by their respective
panel’s as follows:-
Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel
last meeting of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel was held on 5
October 2022.
panel received an update from the Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration in respect of integration work that had taken place between health
and social care.
then heard from both the Director and the Head of Strategic Commissioning and
Procurement in relation to ‘The Impact of the Energy and Cost of Living Crises
on Caring for Vulnerable Adults’. Following receipt of this information,
the panel agreed that rather than continue with this topic as a short term
scrutiny review, because issues would be present for the foreseeable future,
updates would be provided periodically. The next update would be received
on 30 November 2022.
panel’s next meeting will take place on the 2 November 2022, when consideration
of the draft final report of ‘The Role of the VCS in Supporting Adult Social
Care (With a Focus on COVID-19 and Recovery)’ would be undertaken.
Children & Young
People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel
The Children & Young People’s Learning Scrutiny
Panel’s last meeting was held on 10 October 2022.
In respect of the scrutiny panel's 2021 review of
Behaviour, Discipline and Bullying in Schools, Caroline Cannon - the Council’s
Strategic Lead for Inclusion and Specialist Support Services and the Head of
Inclusion, Assessment and Review had attended to provide:
an update on the progress made with the
implementation of the agreed recommendations / actions; and
information and data demonstrating the impact
of the 0-25 Inclusion and Outreach Model.
The information received had demonstrated to the
panel that there was emerging data, case study and impact evidence to suggest
that the Inclusion and Outreach Model was having a positive impact for
children, families and schools.
At the meeting, the scrutiny panel also considered
and agreed the Terms of Reference for its review of Youth Offending and
Partnership Working with Schools.
Children & Young
People’s Social Care and Scrutiny Panel
The Children and Young People’s Social Care and
Services Scrutiny Panel had last met on 24 October 2022.
The South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership Manger had attended the
meeting to present the STSCP’s Annual Report for 2021/22. The Panel had heard
details of the Partnership’s work over the previous year, including details of
the numbers of serious case reviews and training provided to strategic
The Scrutiny Panel’s next meeting was scheduled to be held on 14
November 2022.
Culture and Communities
Scrutiny Panel
The last meeting of the
Culture and Communities Scrutiny was held on 20 October 2022 and the panel
discussed the Council’s strategies for dealing with off road bikes.
The Council’s Operational
Community Safety Manager was in attendance to provide the update but
unfortunately the representative from Cleveland Police had been unable to
Scrutiny Panel’s next meeting was scheduled to be held on 14 November 2022.
Economic Development,
Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel
In the Vice Chair’s absence
the Democratic Services Officer advised that the last meeting of the EDEI
Scrutiny Panel had been held on 12 October 2022. The Panel had discussed
the topic of prevention of damage to grass verges with key officers from
Environment and Commercial Services. Information had been provided with
regard to potential prevention measures including legal powers that were
available to the Council. The Chair had suggested that a representative
of Thirteen Housing should be invited to the next meeting for further
discussion on this topic.
In addition the Panel had
received an overview of Nutrient Neutrality – its new scrutiny topic – from the
Head of Planning.
At the next meeting, on 9
November 2022, the Panel was scheduled to receive the annual Flood Risk
Management Update and also discuss the Work Programme for the rest of this
Health Scrutiny Panel
The last meeting of the
Health Scrutiny Panel was held on 11 October 2022. At that meeting the Director at North East and
North Cumbria (NENC) Integrated Care Board (ICB) was in attendance to update
the panel on a consultation exercise currently being undertaken in respect of
proposed changes to the provision of Integrated and Urgent Care in
Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland.
The Director at NENC
ICB had explained to the panel that having looked at the models of care in
place across the five Tees Valley authorities at present Middlesbrough was the
only one not to have an integrated / urgent care facility. It was therefore
proposed that an integrated urgent care service be provided at James Cook
University Hospital. The Panel heard details about how this would be developed
and it was advised that if the proposals were approved then the facility would
open in August 2023.
In addition to the
above a regional health scrutiny update was provided to the panel on the work undertaken
by the Tees Valley Health Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 23
September 2023. The scrutiny panel also considered the areas on
which it wished to focus for its review on Dental Health and the Impact of
Covid-19. Finally,
an update was provided on the panel’s previous review on Opioid Dependency.