Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel
Councillor J. Platt (Chair)
Children & Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. McCabe (Chair)
Children & Young People’s Social Care and Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. Davison (Chair)
Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel
Councillor C. McIntyre (Chair)
Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel
Councillor R. Arundale (Vice Chair)
Health Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. Jones (Chair)
The Chair of the Adult Care and Services Scrutiny Panel
OSB was advised that at its last meeting on the 2nd November the Panel considered and approved its Final Report into the Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in Supporting Adult Social Care (With a Focus on Covid-19 and Recovery). The Panel also received updates from the Executive Member of Adult Social Care, Public Health, Public Protection and Digital inclusion and the Director of Social Care.
The Chair of the Children & Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel
OSB was advised that at its last meeting the Panel would be receiving a presentation on school exclusions, which would include data and information on Middlesbrough’s historic exclusion figures during the 2021/2022 academic year; suspensions during the same period as well as information about how the Council could increase support in this area.
The Panel was also expecting a response to Ofsted’s finding of Outwood Academy Ormesby.
The Chair of the Children’s Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel
OSB was advised that at its last meeting on the 14th November the Panel had received information regarding young people transitioning to Adult Care and what support was available to those young people. The Panel heard about what support was available to assist with securing employment and were keen to speak to a young person about their experiences.
Chair of Culture and Communities
OSB was advised the Panel had not met since the previous meeting of OSB and that the Panel’s next meeting was scheduled for the 17th November at which Members would continue to examine the issue of dirt bikes and anti-social behaviour.
Vice Chair of Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel
OSB was advised that at its last meeting on the 9th November 2022 the Panel received the annual update on Flood Risk Management which also included a demonstration of the new Gully Smart Asset Management Software. The software was purchased to enable a proactive and reactive response to tackling flood risk and management of the highway drainage network.
The Vice Chair or the Panel also submitted a change to its in-year work programme to the extent that Nutrient Neutrality would be put on hold and that the issue of School Transport be examined given its statutory nature and ongoing spending and demand pressures. It was also requested that an additional investigation be added to the Panel’s work programme. The investigation would be about a scheme operating in Greater Manchester whereby Business Rates were collected then redistributed according to need.
OSB were also advised that at its next meeting on 7th December the Panel had requested an update on the Linthorpe Road Cycle Lane.
Chair of the Health Scrutiny Panel
OSB was advised that the Health Scrutiny Panel had not met since the previous OSB meeting and that at its next meeting on 13th December it would continue to look at Dental Health and the impact of COVID-19.
1. The amendment to the Economic Development,
Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel’s work programme be amended to
include School Transport and Business Rate collection;
2. The information presented be noted.