A report of the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer was presented to seek the Committee’s views and approval for the initial recommendations, following the first stage of the public consultation exercise and approve an amendment to the Community Governance Review timetable.
The Corporate Affairs and Audit Committee had delegated authority to agree the Community Governance Review Terms of Reference; to consider representations made; and to approve initial recommendations from the first stage of the public consultation.
Full Council would consider and approve the final recommendations after both consultations had taken place.
The report provided the Committee with the details of the processes undertaken and results of the first consultation, which included a Town-wide survey, a letter to a number of interested parties, a social media campaign and posters in community buildings.
Since agreeing the review timetable, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England had advised (April 2022) that any local authorities seeking change should submit their requests by 1 October 2022, to allow sufficient time for administrative and financial purposes (such as setting up the parish council and arranging its first precept).
The order should take effect on the 1 April following the date on which it is made. Electoral arrangements for a new or existing parish council would come into force at the first elections to the parish council following the reorganisation order. If the order was submitted by 1 October 2022, it would allow preparations for the conduct of those elections to be made. Therefore the Committee was asked to agree to a revised time-table for final approval.
Following a request, the Committee agreed to amend recommendation 3 c), to propose that the public were consulted on the number of Nunthorpe Parish Councillors being reduced to either 9 or 7 Councillors, rather than solely 9 as stated in the report.
AGREED that the Committee agree the draft recommendations for further public consultation as follows that:
1. The Stainton and Thornton Parish Council boundary was retained and unaltered.
2. The number of Parish Councillors to be elected for Stainton increased to 9 to cater for the large increase in the electorate.
3. Nunthorpe Parish Council was retained with the following proposed changes:
a) the Parish Council boundary for Nunthorpe Parish Council was extended to be co terminus with the Nunthorpe Electoral Ward Boundary to include:
1-29 Yew Tree Grove, TS7 8QX, 1-16 Milan Grove, TS7 0DQ (subject to a further consultation with those residents).
b) That the Principal Council electoral ward boundaries for Nunthorpe Ward were amended to include 12-16 Milan Grove and the Brethrens area.
c) That the number of Nunthorpe Parish Councillors be reduced to 9 OR 7 to mirror that of Stainton & Thornton Parish Council to ensure that electors had an equal voice within both communities.
4. A further detailed review of community councils by the Stronger Communities Team was undertaken, to consider how the Council engaged with community groups and assessed what support was required/available.
5. Delegated authority was granted to the Chief Executive (in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Governance Portfolio Holder), to review the existing polling districts relating to the specific areas identified for Nunthorpe & Marton East and make such changes as they considered appropriate in the light of the final recommendations.
6. A revised time-table for final approval which would result in a reduced period for the second consultation, from 6 weeks to 4 weeks was approved.
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