Agenda item

Executive Member reports


The Chair invited Members to raise items for general discussion arising from the Information Booklet of Executive Member reports which detailed activities carried out within the respective Executive Member portfolios (Section 1), Executive decisions taken (Section 2) or to be taken where known, prior to and following the meeting (Sections 3 and 4).


Question in relation to report of Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Children’s Services


The Chair advised that the first question was from Councillor Cooke to the Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Children’s Services, who had submitted apologies for the meeting.


Councillor Cooke advised that he would like to read his question out at the meeting.


Councillor Cooke stated that regarding the recent Ofsted updates, there was no mention of the fact that the Council had lost the 2 most senior members of that department and he queried why there was no mention of it in the report. What impact had the departure of the two members of staff had and what was the Council doing to recruit to the 2 posts?


Comment in relation to report of Executive Member for Culture and Communities


The Chair advised that the second question was from Councillor Mawston to the Executive Member for Culture and Communities, who had submitted apologies for the meeting.


Councillor Mawston advised that he would like to read his comment out at the meeting.


Councillor Mawston referred to the recent visit to the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum from the Cook Island rugby league team in the recent World Cup competition. Councillor Mawston stated that the team were a fantastic group of visitors who were involved in everything and with everyone, and they were a credit to the Cook Islands. The visit had a positive impact in Middlesbrough. The Captain Cook Birthplace Trust had started work on the visit over 3 years ago. Councillor Mawston stated that he would like to thank the museum staff and the curator for their work in making the visit a success.


Questions in relation to report of Executive Member for Environment


Councillor C Hobson in relation to whether the Green Waste Collection service had changed to monthly collections.


In response to the question from Councillor C Hobson, the Executive Member for Environment advised that the website contained a calendar which detailed the dates of collection of green waste. Councillor Cooper advised that the collection dates were carried out in accordance with the information contained on the calendar, however, if anyone had an issue regarding an additional collection, they should get in touch, but it would only be carried out on an individual basis.


Councillor C Hobson advised that the collections were usually on a fortnightly basis, and she queried whether this would be the case in the future.


Councillor Cooper advised that he was unable to confirm that the collections would remain on a fortnightly basis as it would be dependent on the budget.


Councillor McCabe in relation to Flood Management and issues with the gully smart system.


In response to the question from Councillor McCabe, the Executive Member for Environment advised that the Council did have a gully machine but sometimes the gullies were unable to be accessed because of cars parking over them. Councillor Cooper advised Councillor McCabe to report any future issues with gullies to the appropriate Council department.


Councillor Mawston in relation to Carriage Resurfacing regarding a new contract being awarded and whether it was a continuation of the pothole repairs that had been carried out the previous year.


Councillor Mawston also queried with regard to the resurfacing works that had been carried out at Stokesley Road, that had not been carried out effectively and whether any action was being taken in respect of this issue.


In response to the question from Councillor Mawston, the Executive Member stated that he would take legal advice with regard to any action to be taken in respect of the previous resurfacing works at Stokesley Road. With regard to carriage resurfacing, the Executive Member advised that there was a programme of works to fix potholes, but members should continue to report any pothole issues and they would be evaluated and prioritised accordingly. The Executive Member advised that unfortunately, there was not a large enough budget to fix all potholes in the town.


In response to a request from Councillor Mawston, Councillor Cooper confirmed that a copy of the programme of works would be circulated to all members.


Councillor Blades in relation to Area Care and consultation regarding the planting of trees and meadows.


In response to the question from Councillor Blades, the Executive Member for Environment advised that he would consult with Ward Councillors and residents regarding any future planting of trees and meadows.


Questions in relation to report of Executive Member for Finance and Governance


Councillor Rooney in relation to the Welfare Strategy.


Councillor Rooney commented on the positive impact of the Welfare Strategy and thanked the whole team for their work in assisting people in Middlesbrough to access benefits.


In response to the comments from Councillor Rooney, the Executive Member for Finance and Governance stated that he agreed with the comments regarding the positive impact of the Welfare Strategy, and he thanked all those involved in implementing the strategy.


The Executive Member referred to the fact that Welfare Rights was listed as a potential budget saving in the Medium-Term Financial Plan report, and he advised that he would refer to Welfare Rights under that report, later in the meeting.



Questions in relation to report of Executive Member for Neighbourhood Safety


Councillor Bell in relation to Active Intelligence Mapping (AIM) in relation to budget proposals.


Councillor Bell in relation to Safer Streets 4 Update and the proposed cuts to neighbourhood safety officers and the reduction in the number of anti-social behaviour incidents at Halloween.


Councillor Bell referred to the work that had been carried out to reduce anti-social behaviour in Hemlington, bringing together staff from relevant agencies into a hub and the concerns he had about whether the proposed budget cuts would have any effect on the work that had been carried out.


The Executive Member advised that difficult decisions would have to be made in relation to budget savings. The £700k funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner was in place and the proposals for using that funding would be implemented. The monthly steering group involving all the different agencies was in place and the recruitment of a Community Development Worker who would be operating in Hemlington, and Pallister Park would also go ahead. The development of a professional witness service would be happening soon. One thousand leaflets had been handed out to homes that were in danger of being targeted by anti-social behaviour to advise on how to remain safe. The additional CCTV cameras had arrived and would be fitted soon. 


Councillor Cooke in relation to Community Cohesion


In response to Councillor Cooke’s comments regarding those involved in two projects in Newport Ward, the Executive Member for Neighbourhood Safety congratulated everybody involved in the organisation of the World Cup Tournament at the Newport Community Hub and the Give a Coat a Home Project.


Questions in relation to report of Executive Member for Regeneration


The Chair advised that the Executive Member for Regeneration had submitted apologies for the meeting.


Councillor Blades advised that he would like to read his question out at the meeting.


Councillor Blades queried with regard to how the Council had supported Market Cross Jewellers and how much it had contributed. He also queried regarding whether there was any guarantee that Market Cross would not close the shop in the Hill Street Centre.

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