Agenda item

Participation of Children and Young People

Kathy Peacock, Voice and Influence Manager and Xavier Davies, Apprentice Youth Training & Development Officer will provide an update to the Board.


Kathy and Xavier will also be joined by Adam Hart, CAMHS / HeadStart Business Administrator Apprentice.




The Chair welcome Kathy Peacock, Voice and Influence Manager to the meeting to provide the Board with the standard item regarding the participation of Middlesbrough’s children and young people.


The Manager firstly advised the purpose of the Team, which was to:


facilitate open,safe, and inclusive spaces for care experienced young

people/adults to come together.


We provide fun activities for them to tell you what is important to them, so you can improve the support they and others receive.


The Team support


·         Care experienced young people to get involved, have a voice and create events to hear from more young people/adults.

·         Young people to share their views with key decision makers and professionals, who will act on what they say and positively change services to meet their needs.


Membership of the Children in Care Council (CiCC) for 10-16 year olds. Meet fortnightly.

·         Three young people in the same foster placement

·         One young person in foster care

·         One young adult in supported housing (Young Leader for the group)

·         One young person with SEND in a residential home (he is seen at his home to capture his views)


Membership of the Care Leavers Forum (CLF) for 16 - 25 year olds. This will however be put on pause whilst the weekly pop up cafes take place- see below information)

·         One young adult in supported housing (same person who attends the CiCC)

·         Care leaver who has a young child

Over the last 6 weeks, the Board were advised of the following activities of the Team:



Started delivering our Communication and

Language training - Seven professionals


Two Social Workers

A Personal Advisor

Senior Resource Worker

Deputy Manager

Head of Resources ISSS

Care Manager

One of the keys things the young people  did was reading out statements telling Professionals what looked after young people and care leavers want (outlined within the agenda pack)


Met with Ralph Jordinson from Digiwise

(Middlesbrough Council).

He listened to the young peoples’ views and these will influence next steps.

Collaborated with Pathways and

Middlesbrough Football Foundation and

held our 'Stepping up Together' Football

event on the 4th August.

31 young people joined in (including five from Redcar and Cleveland). All the young people had a great time, met new people and had burgers/bacon sandwich for lunch. 26 staff supported the event including Pathways, Middlesbrough Foundation, Digiwise team, Paula Jemson, Rob Brown and Carlos

Dos Santos.

Three members of the CiCC and a member

of the Middlesbrough Youth Council went to

the Climate Change Conference at Redcar

and Cleveland College

Young people heard about how long things take to degrade and what things we can do to save

energy and save the planet.

Held a Picnic in Stewart's Park for care

experienced young people. Nine young

people came along. We were visited by Cllrs

Barrie Cooper, Cllr Alma Hellaoui, Paula

Jemson and Rachel Farnam. Two foster

carers, a social worker and her dog, one

support staff from Holly Lodge, a resource

and two staff members from strategic

services . We played games, got to know

each other and chatted about being part of

the CiCC. The new young people were

interested in joining.

A fantastic day out.


Adam Hart, Member of the CICC and also apprentice for the Council provided the Board with the plan for the next few months:



Increase membership of the groups and hold more

events –

·         Trip to Jump 360 is booked for 5 October 2022.

·         Celebration event/party for care leavers to take place during Care Leavers Week 24-28th October.

·         Christmas party for looked after young people

So we have more young people plan

engagement events.


As well as having fun, ask young people

what is going well for them and what they

would like to change

Invite other senior decision makers and Corporate Members to our groups. Look at having specialised BBOTS sessions for care experienced young people

Ensure we are being heard by decision

makers and they are changing the support

Going to work on the Participation structure

(adapting the idea from the Mayor) and how we

have our voice heard along with other young people.

Co Produce the Participation strategy and identify what we want as care experienced

young people.

Work with Pathways to deliver sessions with Care leavers to look at the Local Offer. Pop up café will be held weekly and have themed

engagement activities looking at:-


·         Support for Care Leavers

·         Positive Relationships - Family, friends

·         Education, Training and Employment

·         Health and Emotional Wellbeing

·         Somewhere to call home

·         Finances

·         Having and Voice and Being Heard

·         Our Rights and Responsibilities


For those who cannot attend the café, they will be given postcards to fill in that cover all the themes.

We will be offering all care leavers an incentive if they complete all the themes.

Make sure what is offered meets care leavers needs.




During the meeting, Adam invited Corporate Parents to act as a Champion for each theme and come to the pop up café and help the care leavers make changes?


Members of the Board were keen and volunteers were asked to contact Kathy directly.






Continue to deliver the Communication and

Language training

Ensure as many Professionals as possible hear what we want.

Design logo's for the groups and get hoodies for

them to form their group identity

Create an identity for our groups


Following the presentation, a board member queried what support was in place for care leavers into adulthood, to which Paula Jemson, Head of looked after children and corporate parenting provided information on the transition, including where support would be provided from the Pathways Team including support for education/ health / mental health.


In terms of future engagement with care experienced young people, the Head of Assess to Education added that Secondary school Heads are fully on board so this may be a future avenue.


The officers were thanked for their presentation.


Agreed: That the information be noted.


Supporting documents: