A representative from TSAB will be in attendance to update Members on the Board’s Annual Report 2021/22 and its Strategic Business Plan 2022-25.
The Chair welcomed Darren Best, Independent Chair of the TSAB to the
meeting, who was in attendance to update Members on the Board’s Annual Report
2021/22 and its Strategic Business Plan 2022-25. The following matters were raised as part of
the update:
very complex environment that adult safeguarding operated in, and that
expectations had grown significantly.
Praise was offered to all those working in the sector.
of transition (between child and adult services, for example) and how these
tended to be a common feature within SARs.
was a need to hear more from service users directly.
and lifelong training needs. There were
pressures within the system and around links within the system – the pandemic
had helped to highlight these, but challenges did continue.
Abuse -
the four main areas of abuse related to neglect, physical, financial and
domestic abuse. However, psychological
abuse and self-neglect were not too far behind.
It was indicated that, in terms of statistical data, the Tees Valley
reflected the national picture.
Consideration was given as to whether this was a consequence of
increased reporting or an increase in cases – the Independent Chair felt it
likely to lie somewhere in the middle.
Reference was made to the work undertaken by TSAB’s sub-groups in
relation to this area of safeguarding work.
terms of the rising numbers, it was highlighted that this put increased
pressure on an already struggling system.
During the discussion that followed, Members asked a number of queries
of the Independent Chair and the Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration. In response, the following
information was provided:
safeguarding terms, neglect and acts of omission included ignoring medical,
physical or emotional care needs; failing to provide access to appropriate
health, care and support or educational services; and withholding such things
as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.
The difference between intentional and accidental occurrences was
highlighted; it was indicated that overlooking matters provided a common basis.
had been a 40% increase in psychological abuse, which could occur alongside
other forms of abuse, such as domestic and/or sexual abuse. Psychological abuse could involve daily
berating behaviour and undermining a person’s confidence.
terms of staffing and operation of the TSAB, a business unit that sat with
Stockton Borough Council coordinated its work.
Social Workers were based primarily in safeguarding within Adult Social
Care and acted as care planners and investigators. The duties around safeguarding was
Council-wide: training was provided during induction sessions and also
regularly undertaken in directorates outside of Social Care. It was highlighted that staff in areas such
as Public Protection, who interacted with the public daily, were fundamental in
recognising and reporting safeguarding concerns. The TSAB was always looking for new ways to
raise awareness beyond the Local Authority (for example: amongst neighbours,
couriers and postal staff); recent initiatives carried out by the TSAB’s
Communication and Engagement Sub-Group had included advertisements in football
domiciliary care, it was explained that, historically, these care services were
operated by the Local Authority directly.
However, like the vast majority of Local Authorities, Middlesbrough
Council now commissioned independent providers.
It was highlighted that the Local Authority had very positive working
relationships with providers, with any issues immediately being raised, and
that delays in domiciliary care currently being seen in other areas were not
being experienced in Middlesbrough. It
was acknowledged that the independent care provider market was as difficult now
as it had ever been, and highlighted that salaries in Middlesbrough fared well
in comparison to other Local Authorities in the area. Work was currently taking place to understand
the impact around cost of living on staff, and to balance resources in
reflection of costs, demand, etc., which was very difficult.
It was
highlighted that care staff performed a very complex role and required tact,
empathy and flexibility to deliver support safely. There was an enormous reliance upon
domiciliary care workers and it was felt that, as a society, the role was often
overlooked and did not receive the same recognition awarded to other
professions. Exploration work around recruitment and showcasing the role as a
career choice was currently being undertaken.
lengthy discussion ensued in relation to residential care, domiciliary care,
assessments and subsequent care packages.
It was suggested that this topic be revisited at a future meeting, with
a member of the Commissioning Team in attendance to explain the processes and
work involved. Consideration was also
given to domiciliary care staff and related appointment and travel time in
caring for service users.
The remit
of Adult Social Care was service users aged 18-plus years.
Roseberry Park and the Council’s role in that facility, it was explained that
it was controlled entirely by Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust
(TEWV); the Council worked closely with the Trust, but had no control over, or
administration input into, it. In terms
of admittance, it was explained that some individuals would be admitted on a
voluntary basis, whereas others would be compulsory admissions decided upon by
the hospital clinicians.
Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration reiterated the strengths
associated in having one single TSAB for the four Local Authorities. Amongst these were increased numbers from
four areas around the table – which meant broader experience; vigorous and
robust challenge; and shared knowledge.
It was felt that there was an increased level of effectiveness in a much
more complicated safeguarding arena than there ever had been before (reference
was made to such matters as trafficking and modern slavery), with significant
demands placed on staff in a world of stretched resources.
relation to suicide amongst younger men, it was explained that TEWV viewed
addressing this as a strategic priority.
The Chair thanked the Independent Chair for his attendance and
contribution to the meeting.
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