Andy Shippey, Community Safety Officer PREVENT/reducing Reoffending and Marion Walker, Head of Stronger Communities and CHANNEL Chair will be in attendance to provide the panel with an update.
The Chair welcomed Andy Shippey, Community Safety
Officer PREVENT/reducing Reoffending and Marion Walker, Head of Stronger
Communities and CHANNEL Chair to the meeting.
The Community Safety officer provided the
following information:
Prevent is part
of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST and is designed to
safeguard vulnerable people and communities from the threat of radicalisation
and being drawn into terrorism. There are different types of terrorism and
Prevent deals with all of them. The most common types of terrorism in the UK
are Islamist terrorism and extreme right-wing terrorism.
PREVENT and the
safeguarding component CHANNEL is voluntary and only works with consent of the
vulnerable person at risk and takes a person centred approach in helping the
individual address vulnerabilities and increase their resilience against the
hateful extremist influence.
Middlesbrough Operational Prevent group work together with partnership agencies
to stop people becoming involved in or supporting terrorist activity. Under the
Prevent Duty all public sector agencies have a responsibility to ensure their
staff and volunteers have a good understanding of Prevent and their
responsibilities towards individuals, groups, or families they are working
The Operational Prevent group prepares Action
plans designed to reduce the risk by increasing communities' resilience and
awareness, Training and awareness raising and Promotion of the safeguarding
nature of PREVENT.
In addition to Scrutiny, the work and actions of PREVENT are also overseen by the
CQC, Ofsted, Office of the Policing and Crime Commissioner and Community safety
The Community Safety
Officer provided the Panel with information on recent action carried out within
the community, these included for example:
Safer giving
Working with a
Local College around community cohesion conversations and work using the Lets
Discuss campaign material
Promotion of the
Act early campaign in different languages
Joint social
media campaign to promote prevent and online resilience with Newcastle Council
Continued support
to national campaign Real Stories
The Community Safety Officer
provided further information on contributions to the Cleveland Police approach
and further examples of training and support and awareness sharing.
The Head of Stronger
Communities and Channel Chair provided the Panel with some information on Channel
advising of the following:
CHANNEL across
Cleveland is bespoke as our regional figures are low in comparison to other
The CHANNEL panel
is a safeguarding meeting of multi disciplinary
professionals whom all work towards assisting the vulnerable young person or
adult build their resilience againstthe extremist
narrative whilst addressing any vulnerabilities they may have
CHANNEL operates
on a consensual basis and consent must be sought from the individual
The type of
support available through CHANNLE is wide-ranging, and can include help with
education or careers advice, dealing with mental or emotional health issues, or
digital safety training for parents; it all depends on the individual’s needs.
The panel were very
complimentary of the work undertaken by Prevent/ Channel and acknowledge the
modules which are on the council’s elearning. A panel
member queried how employees who do not have access to a computer receive
information and the Community safety officer advised he would circulate this information
to the panel. It was also recommended that a member briefing session should be
established to provide up to date information to councilors.
That the information be
Supporting documents: