The Director of Environment and Commercial Services will be in attendance to provide an overview of the new scrutiny topic of School Transport.
RECOMMENDATION: that the Panel considers Terms of Reference for this scrutiny and what further information is required.
The Director of Environment and Community Services
provided a presentation on School Transport.
The Council’s Home to School Transport Policy related to the Education
Act 1996 and additional duties required by the Education and Inspections Act
National guidance (last issued in July 2014 by the
Department for Education) set out the expectations of Local Authorities with
regard to home to school transport arrangements for pupils. In particular, the guidance set out the
circumstances in which the local authority had a duty to provide or arrange
free school transport for children of compulsory school age.
Free home to school transport or assistance would be
provided for the following eligible pupils who would be of compulsory school
age during the current academic year:
a) A primary
school age pupil attending their nearest suitable school and that school was
over 2 miles from the home address, where the distance was determined by the
Council and used the shortest walking distance along which a child, accompanied
as necessary, might walk with reasonable
b) A secondary school age pupil attending their nearest
suitable school and that school was over 3 miles from the home address, where the
distance was determined by the Council and used the shortest walking distance
along which a child, accompanied as necessary, might walk with reasonable
c) A secondary school age pupil from a low income family
and attending:
any one of their three nearest suitable
schools and the school was
between 2 and 6 miles away from their home address.
the nearest school preferred by their parents
on the grounds of religion or belief and the school is between 2 and 15 miles
away from their home address.
Transport requirements were considered as part of a full
assessment of a child’s special educational needs. If a child’s needs were such that there were
no associated transport requirements, then eligibility for free transport or
assistance would be assessed against the Council’s policy. If a child was unable to walk the statutory
distance to their nearest appropriate school because of their special
educational needs or disability, even if accompanied by a responsible adult,
the Council would, subject to the statutory assessment/annual review process,
provide travel assistance.
The number of children with complex or special
educational needs was increasing year on year and some required medical support
to travel with them.
Whilst it was acknowledged that some families had access
to a mobility car but their child used school transport services, it was
explained that often individual circumstances made this a complex issue. The Council was able to offer parents an
allowance if they were able to transport their own child. Personal
transport allowance was a sum of money calculated for each family to cover the
cost of travel to and from school. A mileage allowance of 45 pence per mile
could be awarded for the return journey to and from school at the beginning and
end of the school day. Allowances
were calculated on an individual basis
and varied from family to family.
In the current academic year, due to the pressures in
school transport, Middlesbrough Council wrote to all parents to advise them of
this offer and approximately 62 families in Middlesbrough had taken it up. In some cases, where children qualified under
this policy for assistance with transport, the Council would consider offering
a personal transport allowance instead of direct transport provision, where
this was in the best interests of the child and was the lowest cost option for
the Council.
When a child was permanently excluded from a mainstream
school and the Council was required to secure alternative provision for them, they
would be entitled to free transport or assistance to an approved alternative
provider, commissioned by the Council, in accordance with the policy for
mainstream and special schools. It was
expected that assistance would be on a temporary basis until such a time as the
child was re-integrated into mainstream or special school and would be subject
to review.
Other reasons for providing school transport included:
temporary illness, parent(s) with
disability or no safe walking route.
Working closely with Education, the Council would, in the first
instance, try to help children travel independently by providing travel
training to use either public transport or school buses.
Children could travel on Council owned buses or minibuses
or taxis from the private sector, with or without passenger assistants
alongside. A mix of activity took
place. A total of 1556 children were
currently supported with transport by Middlesbrough Council and the cost of the
service was £3.5 million per year.
Post-covid, the market place for transport had been much
more challenging. There had been a
reduction in the number of licensed taxis and bus companies. Significant numbers of drivers had left the
industry during covid and found new employment elsewhere. The Council needed to move to a different
model with more in-house provision and less reliance on the private
sector. This would bring its own
challenges, with the lead-in time for purchasing a new minibus currently around
one year. Another issue this year had
been increasing inflation and the impact on fuel prices. The Council had made an arrangement through
Procurement to provide extra fuel payments as appropriate.
From January 2023, School Transport would be moving to
the Children’s Services Directorate. An incredible amount of work was taking place daily to
ensure Middlesbrough children were able to get to school.
The Chair
thanked the Director for his presentation.
AGREED that the information provided was received and noted.
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