Agenda item

Mayoral Budget Proposals 2023/24, MTFP and Investment Strategy, including outcome of Consultation

For Overview and Scrutiny Board to receive and consider the Revenue Budget, Council Tax, MTFP and Capital Strategy 2023-24 as approved by Executive on 14 February 2023.



The Mayor presented the budget proposals for 2023/ 24 and advised OSB that many of the financial challenges facing the Council were due to the overspend in Children’s Services.


Members were also advised most Councils were setting their Council Tax increase at 4.99% whereas Middlesbrough was recommending a 3.99% increase.


It was also commented that Council staff had worked hard and done a good job in coordinating the budget process.


A Member expressed concern about the reduction in streetlighting within the budget proposals. The Mayor commented that other Councils in the UK had already done this, and that the town would not be plunged into darkness. The proposal, detailed in the report, recommended that a relatively small number of streetlights would be turned off in the early hours which would minimise disruption to the public.


The Mayor also commented the proposals detailed in the report were his responsibility but was receptive to any further suggestions.


The Chair thanked the Mayor for his presentation.


ORDERED That the information presented be noted.

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