Schedule – Page 9
Item 1 – 42 Cedar Drive – Page 11
The Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to
develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
22/0669/COU Change of use from residential property (C3) to residential
respite (C2) at 42, Cedar Drive, Middlesbrough, TS8 9BY for Terriann
Harrison, Walkison Care
Full details of the planning application and the
plan status were outlined in the report. The report contained a detailed
analysis of the application and analysed relevant policies from the National
Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Framework.
The application site was a two-storey residential
dwellinghouse situated at the southern end of Cedar Drive in Thornton, at the
edge of the village. The property was accessed from the adopted road via a
private driveway, which served four properties in total.
To the north of the application site there were
residential properties within Cedar Drive and Thornton village. To the east,
west and south there was agricultural land and fields.
The site was located within an established
residential area and the application proposed a residential use, which was
appropriate/established within the location. Planning permission was sought for
the change of use of the property from a residential dwellinghouse (C3 use
class) to a residential respite care home (C2 use class), which was intended to
provide respite care for up-to 6 people at any one time. The proposal was
indicated as having around 12 staff associated with it, with only 3 or 4 staff
members being there between the hours of 8am to 8pm and a single staff member
being there overnight. It was commented that no alterations to the external
appearance of the building were proposed.
Members heard that, following the consultation
period, 11 objections and 2 comments had been received. The main concerns that
had been highlighted referenced vehicular access, staff parking and general
traffic movements at the site and along Cedar Drive. Further details in respect
of the objections were detailed at paragraphs 14 and 15 of the submitted
Stainton and Thornton Parish Council had no
objection to the application but had requested that a condition be included to
ensure all staff members and visitors parked within the residential curtilage
of the property.
The main issues the committee
were asked to consider related to the likely outward impacts of the proposed
use on the surrounding properties/uses and land.
It was commented that the proposal would cause no
significant intensification of use. In addition, the level of use associated
with a residential property providing respite care, would not be dissimilar to
that of a residential dwellinghouse.
Noting the expected number of staff
members and service users (at any one time) and the provision of parking spaces
within the property’s curtilage, it was considered that the number
of anticipated vehicles could be accommodated at the site without the need for
parking on Cedar Drive, thereby preventing impacts which could have potentially
been detrimental to the amenities of nearby residents. It was commented that
there was sufficient parking spaces for 6 vehicles within
the curtilage and there was scope to provide additional parking, should it be
Members heard that the proposed use
would be appropriate, as it was compatible with residential dwellinghouses. It
was commented that the likely activities and operations of the proposed use
(including the use of the private drive, the access gates
and the expected levels of traffic from site users) would not significantly
harm the residential amenities and living conditions of nearby occupiers.
It was recognised that the proposal
could potentially impact on neighbouring properties to some degree. Therefore,
it had been important to impose restrictions to ensure there would be no more
than 6 users (at any one time) to prevent the property being used in a way that
was not envisaged/considered. That restriction would be secured by a condition,
ensuring the limitation of care and users.
The owner of the application site was
elected to address the committee, in support of the application.
In summary, the owner raised the
following points:
although the application sought approval for
respite care for up to 6 people, initially care would only be offered to 1 or 2
the property had been rented since 2008;
manoeuvring, turning and
reversing could be facilitated within the property curtilage; and
there was sufficient
parking spaces available within the application site itself.
The Applicant was elected to address
the committee in support of the application
In summary, the Applicant raised the
following points:
the proposed use planned to provide short-term
domiciliary care in a safe environment; and
as the proposal was for residential respite care,
by its nature it did not lend itself to many visitors, as its service users
would stay whilst their regular carers had a short break.
A Member raised a query in respect of
deliveries to the property. In response, the Applicant advised that there would
not be regular deliveries, as any supplies would be delivered to the company’s
Head Office and brought to the site by staff members.
A Member raised concerns regarding
access. In response, the Applicant advised that many staff members would drive, walk or get the bus to the application site. It
was also advised that service users would usually be dropped off/picked up by
their regular carers.
A Member raised a query regarding
refuse collection. In response, it was advised that bin lorries did not access
the private road. All bins were taken, by residents, to the public highway for
emptying. It was confirmed that, due to the nature of the care that would be
provided, waste from property would be generally domestic.
An Objector was elected to address the
committee, in objection to the application.
In summary, the Objector raised the
following points:
concern was expressed that a site visit had not
been undertaken by committee members, prior to the consideration of the application;
Cedar Drive was a narrow cul-de-sac
and the private driveway was only 10ft wide at its narrowest point;
there was no passing point and vehicles were
required to reverse round a blind bend;
a request was made that the application be deferred
until a site visit could be arranged; and
photographs evidencing the parking issues
encountered on Cedar Drive, and the damage caused by vehicles, had been
provided and a request was made that those photographs be shown to committee
Another Objector was elected to address
the committee, in objection to the application.
In summary, the Objector raised the
following points:
with 6 service users, 3 staff members and visitors
there would undoubtedly be an increase in traffic along Cedar Drive;
in the past, drivers of disability vehicles had
found it extremely difficult to turn around within the boundaries of no.42 and
it would be impractical for service users to walk, or be wheeled down the drive
to meet the vehicle when being dropped off or collected;
there was concern that the electric gates on the
private drive may fail to open due to powercuts etc.
Whilst there was a manual override, it was considered impractical in a
commercial environment; and
the gates may fail more frequently due to increased
use, which could cause disturbance and stress to those residents who would be
required to manually open the gates, especially at unsociable hours.
In response, the Head of Planning
advised that the proposed use was not significantly changing and
was appropriate within a residential area. It was explained that service users
would be staying at the property for up to 2/3 weeks, therefore, there would be
no continuous stream of traffic.
A Member commented that it would be
beneficial for a site visit to take place to enable committee members to see
first-hand the access issues associated with the private driveway. In response,
the Chair explained that due to the costs associated with undertaking visits
and the limited availability of planning staff, due to an increasing number of
applications and heavy workloads, a decision had been taken to no longer hold
visits prior to committee meetings.
The Transport Development Engineer advised
that the default position needed to be considered, the property was not a new build and it was a substantial residential property. In
parking terms, any additional vehicles could be accommodated in the curtilage
of the application site. The application related to the re-use of an existing
dwelling and the levels of traffic generated by the proposed use were unlikely
to be significantly different to the property being occupied as a large family
home. It
was therefore considered that the proposed use would not notably increase the
amount of traffic on Cedar Drive.
A Member raised a query regarding the
delivery of food. In response, the Applicant advised that meals would be planned in advance and staff would purchase and collect food
from local stores.
A Member commented that the application
should be deferred to an enable a site visit to take place.
The Head of Planning commented that the
proposed change of use from residential dwellinghouse to residential respite
care was considered to be appropriate. The activities
associated with the proposed use were anticipated to be representative of a
typical residential property, aside from the property being staffed. Therefore,
the main operation was considered to be compatible and
appropriate within a residential estate. Issues regarding vehicular access,
staff parking and general traffic movements at the site and along Cedar Drive
had been fully considered and, on balance, would not result in any
inappropriate or undue affects. The committee was advised that approval of the
application was recommended.
A discussion ensued and Members
commented on the accessibility arrangements and the general traffic movements at
the site and along Cedar Drive. It was commented that there were no material
planning considerations that would override the general assumption that
development should be approved.
ORDERED that the application be Approved on Condition for the reasons
set out in the report.
Supporting documents: