Agenda item

Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel- Work Programme report 2023/24

The Panel will be asked to consider the work programme report and determine which topics the Adult social care and services scrutiny panel will investigate during 2023/24.


The Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel was asked to consider its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year.


The Democratic Services Officer presented the submitted report and the following points were referenced:


·        At the start of every municipal year, scrutiny panels discussed the topics that they would like to review during the coming year.

·        Work programmes were useful as they provided some structure to a scrutiny panel’s activity and allowed for the effective planning and preparation of work.

·        Referenced in the report was a list of topics that were anticipated to be of particular interest to the scrutiny panel. Those topics were detailed in the first table of the submitted report and included:

o   Impending CQC inspection

o   Dementia- 10 year plan.

o   Hospital discharge and rehabilitation

o   Support for vulnerable adults

·        Suggestions had also been received from the Councillors including for example:

o   Care homes and DDA compliance

o   Housing providers and DDA compliance

o   Assistance for keeping over 60’s fit to avoid doctors and hospitalisation.

o   Middlesbrough Poverty Strategy

o   Staying put agency – supporting people to stay in their own homes.

o   Social housing provision- The availability of bungalows and ground floor apartments.

·        When considering its work programme, the scrutiny panel was asked to ensure that topics agreed for inclusion met the criteria detailed at paragraph 13 of the report.

·        It was recommended that the scrutiny panel used the aid, attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report, to prioritise issues where scrutiny could make an impact, add value or contribute to policy development.

·        The scrutiny panel was asked to identify two topics it would like to include in its work programme. Once agreed, those topics would be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board, on 20 September 2023, for consideration and approval.


A discussion ensued and Members referenced the following areas of interest and concern:


·        With the winter approaching, they wanted to consider hospital discharges to ensure these were done effectively.

·        DDA compliance in care homes provided discussion within the panel as there were some concerns that some care homes were not able to adapt to the needs of the individual.

·        Whilst a full topic has been carried out last municipal year, the panel raised concern in relation to the recruitment and retention of social workers.


The Director of Adult Social Care was not able to be in attendance for the discussion, however suggestions for the work programme would be circulated to him after the meeting and further discussion would take place.


Following discussion, the scrutiny panel was in agreement that the topics of Care homes and DDA compliance, Staying Put Agency (adaptations and ensuring older people stay in their own home for longer) and Hospital discharge .


In addition to those prioritised topics, a Member commented on the importance keeping abreast of developments in the CQC inspection and quarterly improvement plans. Members also asked for an update on the Recruitment and retention of social workers, physical activity for the over 60s and Tees Safeguarding Adults Board


A discussion ensued and Members agreed topics for inclusion in the scrutiny panel’s work programme for 2023/24.




That the topics listed below be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval and inclusion in the work programme of the Health Scrutiny Panel for 2023/2024:



In-depth reviews:


·        Care Homes and DDA compliance

·        Staying Put Agency

·        Hospital discharge




·        CQC inspection and quarterly improvement plans.

·        Recruitment and Retention of Social workers

·        Physical activity for the over 60s

·        Tees Safeguarding Adults Board


Standard item


·        Integration of Health and Social Care- Verbal update


Supporting documents: