Agenda item

Setting the Scrutiny Panel’s Work Programme - 2023/24

The Scrutiny Panel will be asked to consider its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year.


The Health Scrutiny Panel was asked to consider its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year.


The Democratic Services Officer presented the submitted report and the following points were referenced:


·        At the start of every municipal year, scrutiny panels discussed the topics that they would like to review during the coming year.

·        Work programmes were useful as they provided some structure to a scrutiny panel’s activity and allowed for the effective planning and preparation of work.

·        The topic of Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19 had been carried over from the previous year. It was hoped that the Health Scrutiny Panel would be in a position to conclude its evidence gathering, in respect of the topic, at its meetings scheduled to be held in October and November. Further details regarding the topic of Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19, and the evidence that would be considered at future meetings, had been included at paragraphs 5 and 6 of the report. In addition to the information contained within the report, arrangements would also be made for Professor Tim Thompson from Teesside University to attend a future meeting, to provide information on how the university processed referrals from local dentists and people could have procedures (mostly simple extractions, scale and polish etc) for free.

·        Referenced in the report was a list of topics that were anticipated to be of particular interest to the scrutiny panel. Those topics were detailed in the first table of the submitted report and included:

o   Access to GPs;

o   Avoidable Deaths and Preventable Mortality;

o   Sexual Health Services;

o   Obesity; and

o   Vaccination Uptake.

·        Suggestions had also been received from the HealthWatch South Tees Project Lead and those included:

o   Women’s Health Services;

o   Dentists;

o   GPs; and

o   Secondary Care.

·        When considering its work programme, the scrutiny panel was asked to ensure that topics agreed for inclusion met the criteria detailed at paragraph 13 of the report.

·        It was recommended that the scrutiny panel used the aid, attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report, to prioritise issues where scrutiny could make an impact, add value or contribute to policy development.

·        The scrutiny panel was asked to identify two topics it would like to include in its work programme. Once agreed, those topics would be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board, on 20 September 2023, for consideration and approval.


A discussion ensued and Members referenced the following areas of interest and concern:


·        Avoidable Deaths and Preventable Mortality, due to Middlesbrough’s low life expectancy and high rates of under 75 mortality from causes considered preventable.

·        Women’s Health Services, due to the wide range of experiences encountered for those seeking support for perimenopause and menopause that had been well documented in the press.

·        Access to Dental Care, due to its impact on oral health.

·        Obesity, due to Middlesbrough’s high levels of obesity and its association with reduced life expectancy and chronic diseases.

·        Access to GPs, due to the need for patients to receive the care they require as soon as possible.


The Director of Place Based Delivery advised that the topic of Access to GPs was a national issue. Therefore, it was commented that it would be more worthwhile for that issue to be considered at a Tees Valley level by the Tees Valley Health Scrutiny Joint Committee.


Following discussion, the scrutiny panel was in agreement that the topics of Avoidable Deaths and Preventable Mortality and Obesity should be given highest priority, due to the fundamental impact on Middlesbrough’s population.


In addition to those prioritised topics, a Member commented on the importance on the topic of Women’s Health Services. In response, the Director of Place Based Delivery advised that work was being undertaken to develop women’s health hubs and it would be advantageous for the scrutiny panel to receive an update on the specific areas of work aimed at improving access to integrated women’s health services.


A discussion ensued and Members agreed topics for inclusion in the scrutiny panel’s work programme for 2023/24.




That the topics listed below be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for approval and inclusion in the work programme of the Health Scrutiny Panel for 2023/2024:


Topic carried over from 2022/23:


·        Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19


In-depth reviews:


·        Avoidable Deaths and Preventable Mortality

·        Obesity




·        Women’s Health Services (including the development of women’s health hubs)

Supporting documents: