Committee attendance

Audit Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Philippa Storey 1
Councillor David Coupe 3
Chris Cooke - Elected Mayor 2
Councillor Matthew Storey 3
Councillor Graham Wilson 1
Councillor Brian Hubbard 3
Councillor Ian Blades 3
Councillor Nicky Walker 2
Councillor Sharon Platt 2
Councillor Ian Morrish 1
Councillor Jill Ewan 2
Councillor John Kabuye 3
Council, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Philippa Storey 5
Councillor Linda Lewis 5
Councillor Mieka Smiles 2
Councillor David Coupe 5
Councillor Jeanette Walker 4
Councillor David Branson 5
Councillor Naweed Hussain 5
Councillor Joan McTigue 1
Councillor Mary Nugent 5
Councillor Luke Mason 5
Councillor Janet Thompson 5
Councillor Jim Platt 5
Councillor Julia Rostron 5
Councillor Donna Jones 4
Chris Cooke - Elected Mayor 5
Councillor Matthew Storey 4
Councillor Zafar Uddin 5
Councillor Dennis McCabe 3
Councillor Theo Furness 5
Councillor Graham Wilson 5
Councillor Dorothy Davison 4
Councillor Stephen Hill 5
Councillor Sheila Dean 5
Councillor Brian Hubbard 2
Councillor Michael Saunders 2
Councillor Tony Alan Grainge 3
Councillor Ian Blades 5
Councillor Tom Livingstone 5
Councillor Julia Cooke 5
Councillor Jack Banks 5
Councillor Stella Tranter 5
Councillor Nicky Walker 5
Councillor Sharon Platt 5
Councillor Luke Hurst 4
Councillor Jo Nicholson 4
Councillor Peter Gavigan 5
Councillor Jason McConnell 4
Councillor David Jackson 5
Councillor Ian Morrish 5
Councillor Jill Ewan 5
Councillor John Kabuye 5
Councillor Anne Romaine 4
Councillor Jan Ryles 5
Councillor Morgan McClintock 5
Councillor Edward Clynch 4
Councillor Christine Cooper 4
Councillor Jackie Young 5
Overview and Scrutiny Board, 8 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mieka Smiles 3
Councillor David Coupe 4
Councillor Jeanette Walker 3
Councillor David Branson 1
Councillor Janet Thompson 1
Councillor Jim Platt 6
Chris Cooke - Elected Mayor 2
Councillor Matthew Storey 8
Councillor Graham Wilson 1
Councillor Sheila Dean 4
Councillor Brian Hubbard 1
Councillor Michael Saunders 1
Councillor Ian Blades 7
Councillor Tom Livingstone 1
Councillor Jack Banks 4
Councillor Nicky Walker 3
Councillor Sharon Platt 1
Councillor Peter Gavigan 1
Councillor Ian Morrish 1
Councillor Jill Ewan 6
Councillor John Kabuye 7
Councillor Jan Ryles 1
Councillor Morgan McClintock 8
Councillor Edward Clynch 6
Councillor Jackie Young 7
Planning and Development Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor David Coupe 4
Councillor Mary Nugent 4
Councillor Jim Platt 4
Councillor Julia Rostron 4
Councillor Graham Wilson 4
Councillor Ian Blades 4
Councillor Ian Morrish 3
Councillor Jill Ewan 3
Councillor Jan Ryles 4
Councillor Morgan McClintock 4
Regeneration Scrutiny Panel, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Linda Lewis 1
Councillor David Coupe 1
Councillor Naweed Hussain 2
Councillor Theo Furness 0
Councillor Stephen Hill 1
Councillor Brian Hubbard 1
Councillor Ian Blades 4
Councillor Luke Hurst 3
Councillor David Jackson 3
Councillor Ian Morrish 3
Councillor Jill Ewan 3
Councillor John Kabuye 4
Councillor Jan Ryles 0