Committee details

Local Plan Working Group

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference - Local Plan Working Group


To guide the preparation of the Local Plan relating to changes to the planning system proposed in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill, including associated changes in planning advice and guidance.



Purpose of the group:

       Guide preparation of the Local Plan and other planning documents as appropriate.

       Help speed up Local Plan preparation.

       Advise on Local Plan timetable set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS).

       Facilitate an information exchange between members and officers.

       Advisory only as decisions on Local Plan are a function of the Council.

       Possible role in championing the Local Plan review and providing updates to other members.


Local Plan matters to consider:

       Strategy of Local Plan e.g., growth strategy/ housing numbers.

       Ensure integration with other Corporate Strategies e.g., Strategic Plan.

       Consider key issues for local plan and options to address those issues - drawing on members local knowledge.

       To provide informal feedback on policy direction

       Role in consultation/engagement as per the Statement of Community Involvement. • Engage positively in establishing evidence base and the response to it.


Other Planning Documents:

       LPMWG maybe used to guide the preparation of other planning documents e.g., Statement of Community Involvement, Supplementary Planning Documents/development briefs/ masterplans/Other documents.


Format of meetings:

       Format should be informal business as usual discussions with information to be assumed to be confidential until the formal approval process has commenced.

       It may be appropriate to invite other Councillors or relevant stakeholders to the meetings on an ad hoc basis


Frequency of meetings:

       A programme of regular meetings will be diarised and agreed to deliver the Local Plan timetable set in the LDS.

       There may be a need for more frequent meetings informed by key stages of the Local Plan review. Training

       A training programme will be established for Members of the Working Group, and it will be expected that Members will engage positively with this.



Executive Advisory Body - Need not be politically balanced


Membership: T Furness (Chair), C Cooke, P Gavigan and N Walker


**Any other Ward Members, at the invitation of the Mayor or Chair of the Local Plan working group**



Contact information

Support officer: Susie Blood.