Issue - decisions

Housing Supply

05/12/2024 - Housing Supply

ORDERED that Executive:


1.    Approve the business case set out in Appendix one of the report aimed at delivering the savings identified within the Council’s Transformation Programme as REG07;

2.    Approve the use of approved capital resources from the Towns Fund (£4m) and Levelling Up Partnership (£2.141m), as set out in the Business Case included, as Appendix one of the report, to acquire and refurbish properties to increase the supply of housing in order to reduce expenditure on temporary accommodation.

3.    Delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration, following consultation with the Executive Member for Development, to utilise the three delivery proposals set out in paragraphs 4.11 to 4.13 of this report, within the approved funding envelope of £6.141m, to maximise potential cost reductions.