Register of interests

Councillor Jill Ewan

I, Councillor Jill Ewan a Member of the Middlesbrough Council give notice that I have the following financial interests

1. Any body of which I am a member or in a position of general control or management and to which I have been appointed or nominated by the authority.
Myself Partner
Chemoxy International Ltd -
Levick Trust -
Meath Street Community Centre -
Middlesbrough Citizens Advice Bureau - Management Committee -
Newport Settlement Community Hub -
Tees Valley Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee (substitute) -
Teesside Pension Fund Committee -
2. Any body exercising functions of a public nature of which I am a member or in a position of general control or management.
Myself Partner
3. Any body directed to charitable purposes of which I am a member or in a position of general control or management
Myself Partner
Cleveland Hedgehog Preservation Society (Trustee and Hon Treasurer) All Saints Church (Hon Treasurer)
Streets Ahead for Information (Trustee from 30 July 2024) Cleveland Recorder Society (Hon Treasurer)
4. Any body one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinon or policy ( including any political party or trade union) of which I am a member or in a position of general control or management
Myself Partner
Middlesbrough Borough Council Labour Party (Hon Treasurer) Middlesbrough Constituency Labour Party (Hon Treasurer)
Unison Retired Members -
5. Any employment or business carried on by me (include address of business)
Myself Partner
Partnership with TelecomPlus PLC (Very part-time business, self-employed) -
Ewan Homes (Property management, almost wound up, only one remaining interest) -
6. Any person or body who employs or has appointed me.
Myself Partner
No current employment. I receive, state pension, pensions from Teesside Pension Fund, Tyneside Pension Fund, Teachers Pension Scheme, KPMG and a private pension from Aviva. Freeman Johnson Solicitors, Northallerton (Full time employment as Paralegal, also expecting state pension commencing July 2023)
7. Any person or body, other than a relevant authority, who has made a payment to me in respect of my election or any expense or any expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties.
Myself Partner
UNISON (£100 contribution to Labour Party towards election expenses.) -
8. Any person or body who has a place of business or land in your authority's area, and in which I have a beneficial interest in a class of securities of that person or body that exceeds the nominal value of £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued shared capital (whichever is the lower)
Myself Partner
9. Any contract for goods, services or work made between the authority and me or a firm of which I am a partner, a company of which I am a remunerated director, or a person or body of the description specified in paragraph 8.
Myself Partner
10. Any person from whom I have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25.00
Myself Partner
11. Any land in the authority's area in which I have a beneficial interest (include current home address whether owner or tenant).
Myself Partner
8 Wycherley Avenue TS5 5HH (Residence. Joint owner with husband.) 8 Wycherley Avenue TS5 5HH (Residence. Joint owner with wife.)
A house in Camden Street TS1 2EG (Purchase lease option, jointly with husband, until 12 October 2024, unlikely to be exercised, currently tenanted.) A house in Camden Street TS1 2EG (Purchase lease option, jointly with wife, until 12 October 2024, unlikely to be exercised, currently tenanted.)
12. Any land where the landlord is the authority and I am, or a firm in which I am a partner, a company in which I am a remunerated director, or a person or body of the description in paragraph 8 is the tenant.
Myself Partner
13. Any land in the authority's area for which I hold a licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy for 28 days or longer.
Myself Partner