02/10/2024 - Food Waste Refuse Collection Vehicles

We are purchasing the vehicles in collaboration with the Tees Valley local authorities (Redcar and Hartlepool). Redcar and Cleveland Council are leading on the purchasing the vehicles for Redcar, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Katie Bargewell

Notice of decision: 09/10/2024

02/10/2024 - Target Operating Model

To inform Executive about the emerging Target Operating Model and the proposed transformation to the Council’s future ways of working

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Charlotte Benjamin

Notice of decision: 09/10/2024

02/10/2024 - Revenue and Capital Budget – Forecast Year-end Outturn position at Quarter Two 2024/25

The report advises the Executive of the Council’s forecast year-end financial outturn as at Quarter Two 2024/25, and seeks approval of budget virements within the revenue budget and revisions to the capital programme in relation to activity in Quarter Two.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Humble

Notice of decision: 09/10/2024

02/10/2024 - Housing Provision

To seek Executive approval to utilise capital resources from the Towns Fund and Levelling Up Partnership to reduce expenditure on temporary accommodation.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Saiqa Azeem

Notice of decision: 09/10/2024

02/10/2024 - Highway Infrastructure Delivery Plan update

To identify the highway improvements that the Council proposes to implement to better manage its network

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 04/12/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Orr

Notice of decision: 02/10/2024

02/10/2024 - Corporate Performance Q2 2024/25

This report advises the Executive of corporate performance at Quarter 2, and 2024/2025 Year End, providing the necessary information to enable the Executive to discharge its performance management responsibilities and where appropriate, seeks approval of any changes or amendments, where these lie within the authority of the Executive.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Clive Heaphy

Notice of decision: 02/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Household Support Fund (HSF)

Central Government has confirmed a further round of the Household Support Fund (HSF)

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 28/10/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Martin barker

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Treasury Management Strategy 2024-25: Mid-Year Review

The TMS is an important element of the Council's overall budget strategy and financial governance processes. The strategy is an important element of managing the risk on borrowing, investments and cashflow. Reporting to Executive on the mid-year position allows the Council to comply with the CIPFA treasury management code of practice and exemplar performance in this area

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Justin Weston

Notice of decision: 09/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Auto-enrolment of Free School Meals and maximising Pupil Premium Funding Pilot across Middlesbrough

A follow up report on the Auto-enrolment of Free School Meals and maximising Pupil Premium Funding Pilot in Middlesbrough

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 04/12/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Anne Rose, Janette Savage

Notice of decision: 20/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - SHiFT Progress Report

The report is going to Executive to give an update on the progress of the SHiFT programme

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 04/12/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kay Dargue

Notice of decision: 20/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Linthorpe Road Cycleway

The report is being considered following Political decision to remove the cycleway provision on Linthorpe Road.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 28/10/2024

Wards affected: Central; Newport;

Lead officer: Craig Cowley

Notice of decision: 06/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Customer Transformation Programme

To set out and seek approval of the proposed Customer Transformation programme which forms part of the Council’s Recover, Reset, Deliver Transformation Portfolio

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Janette Savage

Notice of decision: 16/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Corporate Asset Management Plan

Decision is required by Executive

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Jamison

Notice of decision: 02/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Middlesbrough Museums Options Appraisal

Options appraisal requested by Executive to inform a decision about the future of the museum service related to required cost savings.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: Marton East; Park;

Lead officer: Gaye Kirby

Notice of decision: 02/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Cemetery Provision

Setting out the future plan for cemetery provision.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 08/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Horniman

Notice of decision: 14/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Management and Maintenance of Development Land / Nutrient Neutrality Mitigation

The report seeks Executive approval of the resources required to maintain land held prior to disposal / development and the management of land held fallow as part of the Nutrient Neutrality mitigation measures. Report seeks management resources to be capitalised as an abnormal cost to disposal receipts.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Horniman

Notice of decision: 12/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Southlands Facility Contract Delivery

To seek Executive approval to commence the contractor procurement process and delivery of the Southlands Facility.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: Berwick Hills and Pallister; Park End and Beckfield;

Lead officer: Richard Horniman

Notice of decision: 12/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - Bracken Grange Footpath Connection

Approval for the proposed scheme to progress to implementation during the 2024/25 financial year.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environment

Decision due date: 24/10/2024

Wards affected: Marton East;

Lead officer: Craig Cowley

Notice of decision: 20/05/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public

02/10/2024 - EXEMPT: Options for Utilisation of Levick Court Residential Care Home

As part of the budget savings the re-provisioning of Levick Court Residential Care Home was identified and within that included the option to provide alternative residential care for the current service users and seek opportunities to maximise the utilisation of the property working with partner organisations. Approval is therefore required on the recommended option and the potential to consult with staff in terms of potential redundancies.
Approval is being sought on the recommended option for the utilisation of Levick Court Residential Care Home

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Wards affected: Linthorpe;

Lead officer: Suzanne Hodge

Notice of decision: 02/04/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt

02/10/2024 - Capex Municipal Buildings and Town Hall Roofs

Any matters relating to bids for funding, which are financially or strategically significant and have not been provided for within the financial and policy framework.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 04/12/2024

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Teresa Garrett

Notice of decision: 11/09/2023

Anticipated restriction: Public