Executive post

2) Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture




The Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture will Chair meetings of the Executive and act in place of the Mayor, if for some reason the Mayor is unable to act.


As part of the Education element of their portfolio the Executive Member for Education and Culture has responsibility to ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity to realise their educational attainment potential.


The Executive Member will also oversee the provision of educational statutory services to address the needs of all children and young people and adults who need services (including youth justice). As part of the Culture element of their portfolio, the Executive Member for Education and Culture also has responsibility for strengthening the town’s cultural sector.


Relevant Service Areas

·         Culture

·         Community Learning

·         SEND and Vulnerable Learners

·         Access to Education and Alternative Provision

·         Achievement

·         Partnerships (including Youth Justice, Missing and South Tees Safeguarding Partnership)


Post is held by