Executive post

Executive Member for Children’s Services


The Executive Member for Children’s Services will be the Lead Member for Children’s Social Care, ensuring that our children are protected, to safeguard their welfare and wherever possible, seek to enable or provide a safe environment that reduces dependency on services, including the most disadvantaged and vulnerable and their families and carers.


Policy Framework


·        Statutory guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the Director of

·        Children’s Services and the Lead Member for Children’s Services

·        General principles of UN convention on the rights of the child

·        Children Act 1989

·        Section 19 of the Children Act 2004

·        National Standards for Youth Justice Services

·        Children Act 2004

·        Ofsted policy Framework


Other Plans and Strategies


·        Children’s Services Improvement Plan

·        Corporate Parenting Strategy

·        Middlesbrough Safeguarding Children Board Business Plan

·        Looked After Children Strategy

·        MSCB Business Plan

·        Children and Young People’s Plan

·        Children’s Services Partnership

·        Youth Employment Strategy

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