Executive approval is required as this scheme is delivered via a legislative framework that requires organisational approval to start formal consultation prior to implementation.
The proposed designation contribute both to Middlesbrough Council’s Housing Strategy through improving the quality of the private rented sector and reducing fuel poverty. The designation will also contribute to reducing health and social inequalities by tackling deprivation in the least well off areas; improving the quality of housing, environmental conditions and reducing crime and disorder which has a direct impact on health and wellbeing.
Type: Information Only
Wards affected: Newport;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/07/2022
Anticipated restriction: Public -
Considered on: 18 Oct 2022 by Executive
Lead member: 5) Executive Member for Development
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care & Health Integration
Contact: Judith Hedgley, Head of Service - Public Protection Email: judith_hedgley@middlesbrough.gov.uk.
Does this Plan form part of the Council Budget / Policy Framework?: No
Would this decision be contrary to the Policy Framework, or not wholly in accordance with the Council's approved Budget?: No