To brief executive on the setting of the Revenue Budget, Council tax, Medium Term Financial Plan, and Capital Strategy for 2023/24. That the Executive endorses the proposed budget strategy for 2023/24, the proposed Council Tax increase for 2023/24, notes the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2023-26, endorses the updated Investment Strategy and Capital Strategy Report for 2023/24. The report will be presented to Council on 27 February 2023 for approval by Full Council.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Both (expenditure > £250,000 and affects 2 or more wards);
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/01/2023
Anticipated restriction: Public -
Decision due: 14 Feb 2023 by Executive
Does this Plan form part of the Council Budget / Policy Framework?: Yes
Would this decision be contrary to the Policy Framework, or not wholly in accordance with the Council's approved Budget?: No