The Mayor and Executive
Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health submitted a report for
Executive’s consideration.
As local authorities were
required to become increasingly financially self-reliant, many were looking at
how to make their limited resources go ever further while still maintaining the
quality and breadth of services.
Councils, along with the
rest of the public sector were being encouraged to use procurement to achieve
wider financial and non-financial outcomes, including improving wellbeing of
individuals, communities and the environment by making social value a decision-making
criterion when awarding contracts.
Adoption and effective implementation of a Social Value Charter had the
potential to deliver the following benefits:
Encourage a more diverse range of suppliers to work with the Council and
its partners, including the participation of small and medium sized enterprises
(SME's), Voluntary and Community Sector organisations, and local suppliers in
Promote fair employment practices: Ensuring workforce equality and
diversity within supply chains.
Increasing the diversity of local apprenticeship, training, and skills
development opportunities as well as employment opportunities.
Maximising opportunities for Middlesbrough organisations to participate
in the council's supply chains and encouraging suppliers to make a social
contribution to the local area.
Ensuring ethical sourcing practices, including compliance with UK, and
international standards, promoting fair trade and fair pricing policies,
tackling corruption, child/slave labour, blacklisting of union members and
similar social issues.
Promoting greater environmental sustainability: Minimising waste and
pollution, supporting carbon reduction initiatives, furthering energy
efficiency and other sustainability programmes.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/01/2024
Anticipated restriction: Public -
Decision due: 10 Apr 2024 by Executive
Lead member: 1) The Mayor
Lead director: Director of Public Health South Tees
Contact: Mark Adams, Director of Public Health - South Tees Email:
Does this Plan form part of the Council Budget / Policy Framework?: No
Would this decision be contrary to the Policy Framework, or not wholly in accordance with the Council's approved Budget?: no