Issue details

Selective Landlord Licensing - Re-designation of Newport 1

The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health submitted a report for Executive consideration.


Local authorities had powers to introduce Selective Landlord Licensing (SLL) schemes for a five-year period in areas with a high number of private rented properties, low housing demand, poor housing conditions, high levels of deprivation, crime and migration and/or significant and persistent anti-social behaviour associated with the tenants of private rented properties.


The purpose of such a scheme was to improve standards of property management in the private rented sector, and when combined with other measures, leading to improved physical, social and economic conditions and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. There were currently three SLL schemes operating in Middlesbrough; one in North Ormesby and two in the Newport ward (commonly known as Newport 1 and Newport 2). Newport 1 scheme was due to end on 12th June 2024. An evaluation of the scheme had been carried out which showed improvement in a number of areas.


The area continued to experience major challenges and therefore it was proposed that it would benefit from a further five-year period of designation as a Selective Landlord Licensing Scheme. The SLL schemes in Middlesbrough did not meet the threshold for Secretary of State approval which was required for those schemes that cover 20% or more of its geographical area or privately rented properties, provided that the authority had consulted for at least 10 weeks on the proposed designation. The schemes in Middlesbrough did not meet the threshold for Secretary of State approval and a ten-week period of consultation had been undertaken. The report provided a summary of the responses to the consultation for consideration by Executive and sought its approval for the Selective Landlord Licensing Scheme to go ahead in the Newport 1 area.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Newport;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/03/2024

Anticipated restriction: Public  -

Decision due: 10 Apr 2024 by Executive

Lead member: 1) The Mayor

Lead director: Director of Environment and Community Services

Contact: Judith Hedgley, Head of Service - Public Protection Email:


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