Meeting documents

Wednesday 1st November, 2017 7.00 pm

Business Items
17/18Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 6 September 2017 and Extraordinary Council Meeting - 6 September 2017
 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 6 September 2017 (110K/bytes) 
 Minutes - Extraordinary Council Meeting - 6 September 2017 (55K/bytes) 
17/19Deputy Mayor and Executive Member Reports
 Front Cover (253K/bytes) 
 Introduction (133K/bytes) 
 Content Sheet (139K/bytes) 
 a Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for City Centre Strategy (323K/bytes) 
 b Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (267K/bytes) 
 c Lead Executive Member for Children's Social Care (79K/bytes) 
 d Executive Member for Culture and Communities (4M/bytes) 
 e Executive Member for Economic Development and Infrastructure (421K/bytes) 
 f Executive Member for Education and Skills (13M/bytes) 
 g Executive Member for Environment and Commercialisation (14M/bytes) 
 h Executive Member for Finance and Governance (358K/bytes) 
 Section 2 (3M/bytes) 
 Section 3 (3M/bytes) 
 Section 4 (4M/bytes) 
17/20Report of Overview and Scrutiny Board
 Report (75K/bytes) 
17/21Members' Question Time
 Copy of Questions (75K/bytes) 
17/22Notice of Motions
 Notice of Motions (66K/bytes) 
17/23Appointment of Members to Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel
 Report (66K/bytes) 
17/24Revised Terms of Reference - Teesside Pension Fund and Investment Panel and Teesside Pension Board
 Report (129K/bytes) 
17/25Respite Opportunities and Short Breaks Consultation Joint Health Scrutiny Committee
 Report (55K/bytes) 