Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Bernie Carr
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of the Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year - 2023 - 2024 Minutes: The
Chair of the Council pro tem invited nominations for
the new Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024. Nominations
were received and seconded in respect of Councillor J Rostron
and Councillor Saunders. On a vote being taken, Councillor J Rostron received 25 votes and Councillor Saunders received
18 votes. Moved,
seconded and ORDERED that Councillor J Rostron
be elected as the Chair of the Council for the Borough of Middlesbrough to hold
office for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024 pro tem. **
At this point of the meeting, the former Chair invited the new Chair of the
Council to take over the chairing of the meeting. The
Director of Legal and Governance Services thanked the retiring Chair for his
contribution to the running of the Council meeting over the past four years. |
Election of the Vice-Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2023-2024 Minutes: The Chair of the Council invited nominations for the new Vice-Chair
of the Council for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024. Nominations were received and seconded in respect of
Councillor Saunders and Councillor J Walker. On a vote being taken, Councillor Saunders
received 18 votes and Councillor J Walker received 25 votes. Moved, seconded and ORDERED that Councillor J Walker be elected as the Vice-Chair of the Council for the Borough of Middlesbrough to hold office for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024 pro tem. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor High and Councillor Smiles. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 22 March 2023 and the Ordinary Council meeting held on 29 March 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Minutes: The Chair of the Council announced with sadness, the death
of Ron Arundale former Councillor for the Kader Ward. Ron was the Council’s Armed Forces Champion and represented the Kader Ward from 2011 until 2023. The Chair requested members to join her in a minutes’
silence as a mark of respect. |
Mayoral and Local Elections results - 4 May 2023 Minutes: A report of the Monitoring Office was submitted, the purpose of which was to report the results of the 2023 Mayoral and Local elections as follows:
ORDERED that the report of the outcome of the Mayoral and Local elections, held
on 4 May 2023, be noted. |
Political Balance - Allocation of Places on Committees - 2023 - 2024 Minutes: The Monitoring Officer presented a report in respect of Political Balance Allocation of Places 2023, the purpose of which was to recommend the allocation of places on Committees and Sub-Committees for 2023 in accordance with the political balance of the Council. It was ORDERED as follows: 1. That the allocation of seats on committees that were subject to the rules relating to political balance be approved as follows:
2. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to fill the unallocated seats as indicated in paragraph 14 of the report, and to make any necessary further adjustments to remove or replace members where directed by the relevant group or member. 3. That any committee established prior to the next review be appointed on the basis of the places shown in Table 3 attached to the report. |
Executive Scheme of Delegation Minutes: As required by the Council's Constitution, a report was submitted setting out membership of the Executive appointed by the Mayor, included at Appendix B of the report. Details of the Executive Scheme of Delegation, were also included at Appendix A of the report, delegating responsibility for certain functions to the Executive, Individual Executive Members, Executive Sub-Committees, joint arrangements and, where appropriate, officers of the Council. ORDERED that the report in respect of the Executive
Scheme of Delegation, be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Council received a report of the Monitoring Officer,
regarding the establishment of committees, sub-committees, boards, panels and
working groups for the 2023 - 2024 Municipal Year, or until amended by Council,
(whichever was the latter) Schedule A of the report submitted set out the Executive and
Executive Sub-Committees and Advisory Bodies as agreed by the Mayor. Schedules B and C identified the nominations received from
the various groups and individual Councillors for places on the committees to
be established by the Council in accordance with Sections 15 and 16 of the
Local Government Act 1989 and Local Government (Political Groups and
Committees) Regulations 1990. The report included a list of current vacancies on various
committees and nominations were put forward at the meeting by the individual Members' concerned. The Monitoring Officer conducted a vote in respect of the role of Chair/Vice Chair and nominations for spare places, where applicable, in relation to the following committees: Schedule C CHIEF OFFICER APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Rostron
appointed CONSTITUTION AND MEMBERS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Rostron and Vice-Chair:
Councillor J Walker appointed CORPORATE AFFAIRS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Ewan appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Kabuye
appointed CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY STEERING GROUP Chair: Councillor Branson appointed CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY STEERING GROUP 1 Vacancy: – Councillor McTigue appointed CORPORATE PARENTING BOARD Chair: Councillor C Cooke appointed Vice Chair: Councillor J Walker appointed CORPORATE PARENTING BOARD 1 Vacancy: – Councillor McTigue appointed LICENSING COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Lewis appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Dean appointed OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD Chair: Councillor M Storey appointed OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD Vice Chair: Councillor Kabuye
appointed ADULT SOCIAL CARE AND SERVICES SCRUTINY PANEL Chair: Councillor J Walker appointed Vice Chair: Councillor High appointed CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES’ SCRUTINY PANEL Chair: Councillor Clynch appointed Vice Chair: Councillor J Walker appointed ENVIRONMENT SCRUTINY PANEL Chair: Councillor Ryles appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Lewis appointed HEALTH SCRUTINY PANEL Chair: Councillor Banks appointed Vice Chair: Councillor M Storey appointed REGENERATION SCRUTINY PANEL Chair: Councillor Blades appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Hussain appointed PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Rostron
appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Blades appointed STAFF APPEALS COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Dean appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Thompson appointed STANDARDS COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Kabuye appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Ewan appointed TEESSIDE PENSION FUND COMMITTEE Chair: Councillor Rostron
appointed Vice Chair: Councillor Ewan appointed WORKS COUNCIL Chair is Deputy Mayor Works Council 2 Vacancies: 1 Vacancy: – Councillor McTigue appointed 1 Vacancy – Councillor Blades appointed ORDERED as follows: 1. That the terms of reference of
committees, sub committees, boards panels and working groups, as detailed in
the schedule to the report, be approved. 2. That subject to the receipt of
nominations to vacancies or amendments to places indicated in the schedule to
the report, that the places allocated in accordance with the wishes of the
political groups and other councillors, be approved. 3. That the membership, size and terms of reference of the Executive and its sub-committees, approved by the Mayor for 2023 onwards, as set out ... view the full minutes text for item 23/10 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Monitoring Officer submitted a report regarding the
appointment of representatives to joint committees and outside bodies. ORDERED as follows:- 1. That appointments to the organisations
shown in Appendix A (Council nominations), Appendix B (Council/Executive
nominations) and Appendix C (Executive appointments of the report submitted,
for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year be approved, until amended by Council/Executive,
(whichever was the latter). 2. That the following appointments for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, nominated at the meeting, be approved and noted, until amended by Council/Executive (whichever was the latter). Appendix A - Council Appointments
Middlesbrough Oberhausen Town
Twinning 3 representatives
Councillor Kabuye appointed Councillor J Walker appointed 1 vacancy Teesside International Airport
Consultative Committee 1 representative Councillor Furness appointed Appendix B –
Council/Executive Appointments Captain Cook Birthplace Trust 2 Council representatives Councillor Davison appointed Councillor McConnell appointed Appendix C – Executive
Appointments Resources and Finish Task
Group (ANEC) 1 representative Councillor N Walker appointed Nunthorpe and Marton Playing
Fields Association 2 representatives – usually Ward
Members Councillor Davison appointed Councillor McClintock appointed |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Governance and the
Director of Legal and Governance Services submitted a report, the purpose of
which was to agree the timetable of meetings for the Municipal Year 2023/2024. The Director of Legal and Governance Services advised that
the dates contained within the timetable were tentative and could be subject to
change. Following a vote, it was: ORDERED as follows: (i) That the
timetable of meetings for the Municipal Year 2023/2024, as detailed in the
Appendix to the report, be approved. (ii) That, with the
exception of the following, the dates for ordinary meetings of the
Council be designated as meetings at which questions will be taken from members
of the public: · Budget/Council Tax Setting Meetings – 28 February and 8 March 2024 · Wednesday 22 May 2024 (Annual Meeting). |
Redesignation of S151 Officer Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report, the purpose of which was to designate the section 151 officer role to the Director of Finance. On 23rd February 2023, the Chief Officer Appointments
Committee were asked to recommend to council the redesignation of the section
151officer role to the Head of Financial Planning and Support on a temporary
basis following pending recruitment to the post. The Chair of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee
presented a report to council on the 22nd March 2023 recommending the
re-designation of the section 161 officer role on a temporary basis, and this
was approved. The Chief Executive had appointed an Interim Director of
Finance. The terms of reference for the Chief
Officer Appointments Committee delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service
to make interim appointments of Directors up to six months and the interim
appointment was made by the Chief Executive pursuant to that delegation. The Director of Finance post would ordinarily carry the
section 151 officer role. The intention of the previous arrangement was to
ensure the council was not left in a position of not having a section 151
officer role as required by law. Following a vote, it was ORDERED as follows:- That the Council: Designate the section 151 officer role to the Director of
Finance. |