Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Susan Lightwing/Scott Bonner
No. | Item | ||||||
Welcome and Fire Evacuation Procedure In the event the fire alarm sounds attendees will be advised to evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of Notes opposite MIMA. Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and read out the Fire Evacuation Procedure. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
Minutes - Council - 11 September 2024 Minutes: The
minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 September 2024 were submitted. Councillor Morrish stated
that currently the minutes were factually inaccurate at page 9, as they did not
reflect that one third of the Councillors walked out of the meeting in disgust
at the actions of the Chair of the Council. It was Councillor Morrish’s view that the Chair had accepted that the motion
he presented was to be replaced by Councillor Clynch, who admitted that it was
to be a replacement motion and not an amendment. Councillor Morrish’s
opinion was that this was not in compliance with the Constitution rules 4.32.1
b) 1 to 4. Councillor Morrish acknowledged that
whilst the minutes were not required to be a verbatim record, they should
reflect the meeting accurately and stated that they should not be used as a
tool to re-write history. ORDERED that: 1. Councillor Morrish’s comments were
NOTED. 2. the minutes were approved. |
Minutes: There were no announcements or communications for this meeting. |
Questions from Members of the Public (if any). Minutes: There were no valid questions submitted from members of the public, within the required timescale for this meeting. |
Suspension of Council Procedure Rule No 4.13.2 – Order of Business Minutes: Councillor Mason proposed a motion without notice to change the order of business in the agenda of the meeting in accordance with the Constitution paragraph 4.30.1 (c). The motion was seconded by Councillor Smiles. On a vote being taken, the motion was declared CARRIED. ORDERED that, in
accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 4.57, Council agreed to vary the
order of business to deal with the items in the following order: Agenda Item
14, Agenda items 7 to 13, Agenda Items 15 and 16. |
Minutes: Councillor J Ewan, Vice Chair of Council, took the Chair
for consideration of Motion No.166. Motion No. 166 Consideration was given to Motion No. 166 moved by Councillor Mason and seconded by Councillor Coupe of which notice had been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rules No. 53-60 as follows: Motion of No Confidence in the Chair of Middlesbrough Council This Council expresses its deep concern and dissatisfaction with the manner in which full council meetings have been conducted under the current Chair's leadership. We believe that effective governance and robust democratic processes are paramount for the success of our council and the well-being of our constituents. Unfortunately, recent practices under the Chair's guidance have fallen short of these expectations. In particular, we are deeply troubled by the Chair's refusal to allow supplementary questions during full council meetings. Supplementary questions are a vital component of our democratic process. They allow elected members to seek necessary clarifications, challenge responses, and ensure accountability. By denying members the opportunity to ask supplementary questions, the Chair is effectively stifling debate, limiting transparency, and undermining the ability of this council to serve our community effectively. This approach has created an atmosphere where crucial issues cannot be thoroughly examined, and where members are unable to adequately represent the concerns of their constituents. Such practices are unacceptable and do not align with the principles of open and accountable governance that this council should uphold. Given the ongoing issues with the conduct of full council meetings and the lack of faith we have in the Chair to change their approach to full Council meetings, we hereby submit this motion of no confidence in the Chair of Middlesbrough Council, Councillor Julia Rostron. This Council therefore resolves to: 1) Express its disapproval of the manner in which recent Council meetings have been held. 2) Call on Cllr Julia Rostron to resign from the position of Chair of the Council with immediate effect. Councillor Coupe reserved his right to speak to the motion. Councillor Mason spoke in support of the motion. The Chair invited members to speak to the motion. Councillors Smiles, Saunders, Livingstone and Coupe spoke in support of the motion. Councillors Walker and Henman spoke against the motion. On a vote being taken the motion was REJECTED. Councillor Rostron, Chair of Council, in the Chair. Motion No. 167 Consideration was given to Motion No. 167 moved by Councillor Walker and seconded by Councillor L Young of which notice had been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rules No. 53-60 as follows: Motion to commend the work Middlesbrough Council is doing to enrol more eligible pensioners onto Pension Credit, to resolve to prioritise the use of the Household Support Fund to help pensioners on low incomes or liable to higher heating bills due to disability, who will lose the Winter Fuel Payment and therefore could struggle to pay their bills, to resolve to continue and enhance the council’s awareness campaign and to call on HM Treasury to reform the ... view the full minutes text for item 24/53 |
Suspension of Council Procedure Rule No 4.13.2 – Order of Business Minutes: The Mayor proposed a motion without notice to change the order of business in the agenda of the meeting in accordance with the Constitution paragraph 4.30.1 (c). The motion was seconded by Councillor Clynch. On a vote being taken, the motion was declared CARRIED. ORDERED that, in
accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 4.57, Council agreed to vary the
order of business to deal with the items in the following order: Agenda Items 12,
7 to 11, 13, 15 and 16. |
Middlesbrough Independent Improvement Advisory Board: 12-month progress Report Additional documents: Minutes: A joint report of the Mayor and
Chair of the Improvement Board was presented for information. The Mayor announced with great
sadness the news of the recent unexpected passing of Suki Binjal, who had been
supporting the Council’s Corporate Governance improvement journey as a member
of its Independent Improvement Advisory Board. The Chair invited all present to
stand and observe one minute’s silence, as a mark of respect. The Chair of the Improvement
Board noted that this was the fourth report of Middlesbrough’s Independent
Improvement Advisory Board (MIIAB). A
detailed update was provided which included: activity since the last update to
Council, cultural and governance issues, financial sustainability and the
transition to a business as usual environment. Whilst progress had been made,
significant challenges remained, particularly in relation to the current
budget. The MIIAB encouraged the Council to: • Continue
to embed improvements in Member behaviour and conduct. • Retain
a laser focus on delivering a balanced budget for 2024/25 and using the
transformation programme to support this. • Begin
the process of moving away from an intervention governance model to a business
as usual governance model. • Be
clear about leadership priorities as the council transitioned to permanent
officer leadership arrangements. Members asked questions in
relation to improvements in behaviour and conduct, embedding financial
resilience and collaboration between the Mayor and the Leadership and
Management Team, to which the Chair of the MIIAB responded. The Chair thanked the Chair of
the MIIAB for the comprehensive report. ORDERED as follows that
Council: 1. expressed condolences following the unexpected passing of
Suki Binjal who had been supporting the Council’s Corporate Governance
improvement journey as a member of the MIIAB. 2. noted the report of the MIIAB, which reflected on progress made by the Council on its Corporate Governance improvement journey over the last twelve months. |
Suspension of Council Procedure Rule 4.13.2 – Order of Business Minutes: The Mayor proposed a motion
without notice to change the order of business in the agenda of the meeting in
accordance with the Constitution paragraph 4.30.1 (c). The motion was seconded by Councillor
Clynch. On a vote being taken, the motion
was declared CARRIED. ORDERED that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 4.57, Council agreed to vary the order of business to deal with the items in the following order: Agenda Items 13 and 16, 7 to 11 and 15. |
Corporate Governance Improvement Plan and Section 24 Action Plan Progress Report Minutes: A joint report of the Chief
Executive, Director of Finance and Director of Legal and Governance Services
was presented by the Mayor. The report set out the key
activities and progress since an update was last provided to Council, in
response to the Section 24 recommendations made by the Council’s External
Auditors and the Council’s Corporate Governance Improvement Plan. The Mayor highlighted that one hundred
percent of activity in relation to the Section 24 delivery plan was on-track or
had been delivered. For the current reporting period,
all workstreams were on target in terms of activity, as per timescales set out
in the corporate Governance Improvement Plan, with one action in one workstream
being off target, which it was proposed to pause as it could not be progressed.
The action was outlined in the report as follows: • A
milestone in relation to the further development of the Finance Business
Partnering model to ensure ownership and accountability of budget
managers. In order to ensure the model
aligns with the findings of the two external reports from CIPFA and Grant
Thornton, that have been undertaken in relation to financial management and
financial standing, this milestone needs to be paused until both those reports
are issued in order to ensure that the model addresses any findings within
them. ORDERED as follows that Council: 1. Noted the progress against the Corporate
Governance Improvement Plan and Section 24 Action Plan. 2. Agreed the change controls outlined in the submitted report at paragraph 6.1 to pause FRR3.18 Further development of the Finance Business Partnering model to ensure ownership and accountability of budget managers, until the Grant Thornton report on the financial management and financial standing of the organisation was received. |
Vacancies on Committees 2024/2025 Minutes: Council received a report which sought nominations for appointment, following resignations from Committees and Outside Bodies and vacancies that remained outstanding following the Annual meeting. The report included a list of current vacancies on various Committees and Outside Bodies and nominations were put forward at the meeting by individual members. ORDERED that the following vacancies allocated in accordance with the wishes of the political groups, be approved by Council: Committee
Vacancies: Place Scrutiny
Panel 1 vacancy for Vice
Chair – Councillor Livingstone appointed. Corporate Health
and Safety Steering Group Councillor Ryles appointed. 1 vacancy – no nominations. Outside Bodies
Health Authority 1 vacancy – no nominations. Middlesbrough-Oberhausen
Town Twinning 1 vacancy –
Councillor Livingstone appointed. JOINT COMMITTEE
Advisory Committee 1 vacancy – Councillor Rostron appointed. |
Mayor's Statement and Report Minutes: The Mayor informed Council that
recruitment was underway for the posts of Chief Executive and Director of
Finance and Section 151 Officer and thanked the Members of the Chief Officer
Appointments Committee in advance for their input and time. Visits to Middlesbrough were in
progress from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
(MHCLG), Care Quality Commission (CQC) and OFSTED and the Mayor would provide
an update at the next Council meeting. A Housing Recovery Plan would be
launched in November with the Council taking on properties with the aim of
renting to the most vulnerable. The
Council was keen to take on those properties that were a blight in many areas
of the town. The Council was currently
working with Ethical Lettings who had secured funding to purchase or renovate
homes. The Council was open to working with other providers and
there was an opportunity for discussion with social landlords regarding empty
properties that could be brought back into use. The Council was also investing
new vehicles including gully suckers and road sweepers to ensure the town could
be cleaned more effectively. It was
anticipated that the new vehicles would be available by the end of the
year. Communal bins would also be
refreshed. The Council was working to
get back to business as usual, refocus priorities, and make improvements for
residents in terms of the town’s environment. Responding to a question, the
Mayor indicated that he would provide an exact date for completion of the work
on the housing development at Gresham which was being delivered by Thirteen
Group. Work on road allocation was not
yet completed. A Councillor raised an issue in
relation to unadopted roads and the Mayor agreed to follow this up. The Chair requested that Members
note the Mayor’s statement. ORDERED that the Mayor’s statement was noted. |
Executive Member reports Additional documents:
Minutes: Question in relation to the
Report of the Executive Member for Finance and Governance. Councillor Saunders in relation
to Pension Credit Take-up. The Executive Member confirmed
that in relation to increased government funding for Middlesbrough, the Mayor
had made representations to the Government.
Both the Mayor and the Executive would take any opportunity they could
to influence the Government. However it
was clear, from prior to the election, that there would not be a great deal of
extra funding available for local government.
Through meetings with the Special Interest Group of Municipal
Authorities (SIGOMA), Middlesbrough and other Councils were seeking a solution
that would see a redistribution of the funding available on a fairer
basis. Austerity had both reduced the
amount of funding available and the way in which it was redistributed. Redistributing the funding in a fairer way
would better help areas like Middlesbrough who, for example, experienced higher
levels of deprivation than other areas. Question in relation to the
Report of the Executive Member for Regeneration. Councillor Henman in relation to
Newbridge Court in Acklam. The Executive Member confirmed that
the units were being let by the Council’s Valuation Services. The upper level was now fully let but there
were still 2 vacant units available within the shopping parade. Whilst there had been some interest shown,
the Council was keen to promote and publicise the vacant units to
businesses. The Executive Member added
that this project to regenerate a derelict area demonstrated the Council’s
commitment to improving the town. Question in relation to the
Report of the Executive Member for Environment. Councillor Livingstone in
relation to on-going work in Linthorpe Road. The Executive Member clarified
that the Council was continuing to work proactively with the Tees Valley
Combined Authority (TVCA) regarding the proposed removal of the Linthorpe Road cycle lane. As the scheme was externally funded by the
Department for Transport, Middlesbrough and the TVCA had to work through
required mechanisms to facilitate the removal.
Middlesbrough Council was currently awaiting legal and technical
information from TVCA before further progress could be made. Although not directly involved in
discussions, it was the Executive Member’s understanding that waiting for
information from the TVCA was unfortunately a common theme in the process. Questions submitted for the
Executive Members for Children’s Services and Regeneration would be emailed for
a response. Questions submitted for the
Mayor and Executive Member for Community Safety were withdrawn. |
Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Board Minutes: The Chair of the Overview and
Scrutiny Board presented a report, the purpose of which was to provide an
update on the current position regarding progress made by the Overview and
Scrutiny Board and the individual Scrutiny Panels. The Chair invited Members to note the report. ORDERED that the report was noted. |
Urgent Items
Minutes: There were no urgent items submitted within the specified deadlines for this meeting. |
Members' Question Time Minutes: The Chair invited Councillor
Wilson to ask his question as set out at Agenda Item 11 in relation to the
Spider Park Play Area in Brambles Farm. The Mayor explained that as part
of a wider decision to be made in December 2024, funding would be allocated for
several parks and green areas across the town and Colmore Avenue was a
potential site. The Mayor was keen to
have an open discussion with Police in relation to their previous planning
objection to ensure that any scheme submitted for planning approval was
entirely suitable. The Mayor confirmed
that Ward Councillors would be consulted to ensure the funding was spent in a
good way. Another element of the
proposal would be ongoing maintenance to parks and green areas as there was
currently no budget and a dedicated pot of funding was required. In summary, funding would be reallocated in
December and a scheme would be delivered at a later date in partnership with
Ward Councillors. The Chair invited Councillor
Mason to ask his question as set out at Agenda Item 11 in relation to The Wired
Lobby in Captain Cook Square. ORDERED that, with the
Chair’s approval, the question was DEFERRED to the next Council meeting. |
Notice of Urgent Motions (if any) Minutes: There were no Notice of Urgent Motions submitted within the
specified deadlines for this meeting. |