Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Scott Bonner
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - 10 December 2020 PDF 13 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel held on 10 December 2020 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
The Head of Stronger
Communities and the Community Safety Partnership Officer will be in attendance
to provide Members with an update on the Council's contribution to the PEVENT
agenda. Minutes: The Head of
Stronger Communities and the Community Safety Partnership Officer provided the
Panel with an update on the PREVENT agenda. As part of the presentation the
following points were made: ·
Community Safety Officer advised the Panel that he was the Council’s lead
officer for Prevent and reducing reoffending. ·
was a safeguarding function, whose duty fell under s26 of the 2015 Counter
Terrorism and Security Act. This Act placed a duty on Councils to safeguard
those at risk of becoming radicalised. ·
primary aim of PREVENT was to empower individuals and communities to resist
extremist rhetoric. This also involved working with professionals and partners
so they could identify relevant risks and vulnerabilities, and potentially make
referrals to the CHANNEL programme. ·
at risk of extremist rhetoric were from a wide demographic. ·
CHANNEL element of PREVENT was voluntary and based on consent. ·
worked in a similar fashion to other crime prevention initiatives, such as
trying to prevent gang related activities. ·
Middlesbrough there was a multi-agency operational group known as the Bronze
Group which met every two months. This group formed action plans to help reduce
risk. ·
group worked with the public to identify what risk factors to look out for. ·
group recently reviewed its internal training plan, which was now five stages
rather than three. ·
of PREVENT occurred through a number of different mediums, such as road shows,
website material and campaigns with partners such as the NHS, CRC probation and
youth services. ·
plans were derived from a regional Risk Assessment with actions focused on the
education of professionals and identifying new and emerging threats so that
resilience could be built around high risk groups. An example was online gaming
in that gangs could take advantage to radicalize young people in that
environment. ·
risk actions included work carried out with a range of diverse communities and
the third sector, educational establishments and roadshows at James Cook
Hospital and the Hill Street Centre. ·
was a constant requirement to understand engagement needs with different
communities. ·
projects included working with the Learning Disabilities Community that utilised tools such as the Picture Exchange Communication
System (PEX) to generate publicity that would be understandable to the Learning
Disability Community and their carers. ·
levels of training were provided and had recently been reviewed which would be
rolled out in spring 2021. The Council also hosted Home Office training
material on the PREVENT website. ·
3 training had been completed with a minimum of one Designated Safeguarding
Lead per school and a lot of work had been completed around COVID resilience in
the face of “Fake News.” ·
to face and virtual training had been delivered to schools and school
governors. ·
raising was a large proportion of what PREVENT did, particularly around digital
resilience. ·
safety awareness was planned with a virtual PREVENT session with foster carers. The Head of Stronger communities provided the Panel with an update on CHANNEL ... view the full minutes text for item 20/21 |
Terms of Reference - Cultural Events PDF 220 KB Minutes: The Chair advised the Panel that that Terms of Reference for
the Panel’s review into Cultural Events in Middlesbrough were: TOR A Using examples of best practice, learn how cultural events
are delivered in Middlesbrough how they contribute to wider social regeneration
initiatives. TOR B In light of COVID-19 explore potential future Event formats
to understand if Cultural Events can be sustainable in a post Covid world. TOR C To learn how Cultural Events can contribute to wider
Economic Initiatives in Middlesbrough. The Terms of Reference were submitted and agreed by the Panel. ORDERED: That the Terms of Reference for the Panel’s review into Cultural Events be agreed. |
Cultural Events in Middlesbrough PDF 1 MB The Principle Events Officer will be joined by
the Vice Chair of Middlesbrough Mela to provide
the Panel with examples of event best practice and how they contribute to wider
social regeneration agendas. Additional documents: Minutes: The
Creative Programmes Manager the Vice Chair of Mela provided the panel with a
verbal report and made the following points: ·
Some of the events that were delivered, or supported, by the Council’s
Events Team included the Mela, the Organge Pip Market and the Christmas events
programme, Discover Middlesbrough and Local History Month. ·
The Events Team also supported external event organisers that wanted to
come to Middlesbrough to deliver cultural events. ·
Some of the benefits of delivering cultural events included raising the
positive profile of the Town; attracting visits to the Town Centre which
increased spend in Middlesbrough’s local economy as well as helping to support
the local creative economies of Middlesbrough, the Tees Valley and the North
East. ·
Events also helped to promote inward investment as many investors were
keen to see a thriving Town Centre with robust events programmes taking place. ·
Events provided the opportunity to provide new skills for residents,
especially through engagement work. ·
Many events delivered in Middlesbrough were not one-off events with most
having sub-work programmes that further enhanced community engagement. Those
engagement events provided the opportunity for schools, communities and
individuals to participate and by extension develop skill sets and improve
their wellbeing. ·
Cultural events also had a positive impact on community cohesion. ·
The Middlesbrough Mela was supposed to celebrate its 30th anniversary in
2020, however the COVID pandemic prevented this. ·
Ordinarily the Mela received audiences of between 30,000 – 50,000 people
with over 100 crew members being involved. Hold the event also led to an
increase in employability for the duration of the event. ·
Events such as the Mela helped to attract investment via sponsorship and
funders. ·
As part of the Mela, there were additional events that worked with over
150 people from community groups on various commissions. These commissions
worked with professional artists, musicians and choreographers over a three
month period which contributed to the creative content of the Mela and for its
associated, smaller events such as parades. ·
The written reports provided to the Panel about the Mela gave examples
of different community groups that had engaged with the event and what such
engagement looked like. Examples included the Mela Big Knit that reached over
100 people. ·
Activities associated with larger events helped combat social isolation
and reach those individuals engage with events like the Mela where they had not
done so before. ·
The Events Team actively worked alongside the Stronger Communities
service as this helped to identify community groups that may benefit from
cultural engagement. This could be communities with diverse demographics, or
those that had not previously engaged with cultural events. This was especially
true for those communities in the east of the Town. ·
The Events Team also worked with a number of external agencies including
the Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner all of which helped to support
and reinforce social and community cohesion.
· The Covid Pandemic had resulted in cultural events being offered in different formats, namely online. Changing to new formats had however resulted in ... view the full minutes text for item 20/23 |
Chair's OSB Update For the Panel to agree the Terms of Reference
for its forthcoming review into Cultural Events. Minutes: The Chair
advised the Panel that at the previous meeting of OSB a Call In was considered
regarding the frequency of waste collection, moving from weekly to fortnightly.
Unfortunately, the meeting was unable to take place due to technical issues. The Chair also
advised the Panel that since the Call In meeting, a decision had been made to
maintain weekly waste collections therefore the issue may not be heard again by
That the information be noted. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. |