Agenda and minutes

Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - Thursday 23rd September, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Virtual

Contact: Susie Blood 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no Declarations of Interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel - 15 July 2021 pdf icon PDF 127 KB


The minutes of the Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel held on 15 July 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Selective Landlord Licensing- update pdf icon PDF 115 KB

The Head of Public Protection and the Selective Landlord Licensing Manager will provide an update on the recommendations approved in the final report on Selective Landlord Licensing in October 2018.


The Panel will receive an evaluation of the scheme in North Ormesby and receive further information on the redesignation on the scheme in North Ormesby and the impact of the scheme in Newport.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcome the Selective Landlord Licensing Manager and the Head of Public Protection to the meeting. The Head of Public Protection firstly outlined that when Selective Landlord Licensing first came into place, the Team sat under Community Safety, however it now sits under Public Protection. The Head of Service was very proud of what the team had achieved, along with partners and hoped this would continue.


The Manager went through a presentation, the main areas covered were as follows:


·         What is selective landlord licensing?

·         Make up of the team

·         Scheme dates/ areas and costs

·         Application/ license data

·         Inspection visits

·         How selective landlord licensing works with partners

·         How selective landlord licensing supports landlords

·         Summary of findings from North Ormesby report

·         Next steps


What is selective landlord licensing?


In 2018, the panel submitted their final report to Executive on Selective Landlord licensing in North Ormesby and were well aware of the scheme, however for clarity the Manager advised that Selective Landlord Licensing was brought in Under Part 3, Housing Act 2004 and the areas of North Ormesby and Part of Newport Ward were designated for Selective Landlord Licensing (SLL).


The criteria for designations were as follows:       


        -Experiencing low housing demand; and

        -Significant & persistent antisocial behaviour


The purpose of the schemes was to improve standards of property management in the private rented sector.

Each occupied privately rented property within the designated areas are required to apply to be licensed including a Fit and Proper check (Fraud, violence, drugs, sexual offences, Illegal discrimination, Breaches of housing/landlord & tenant laws);

The licence lasts a maximum of five years, ceasing to end when the designation ends and failure to apply (unlimited fine) and Breach of conditions (fine up to £5,000).




As mentioned by the Manager, the Team now sat under Public Protection and consists of the following officers:


       Head of Public Protection Service

       1 SLL Manager

       2.5 Neighbourhood Safety Officer (dedicated to Newport & North Ormesby)

       2 Tenancy Relations Officer (one in each area)

       1 SLL Officer

       1.5 SLL Assistant

       2  Environment Health Officers

In terms of the schemes, the Panel heard that the first scheme in North Ormesby came about in 1st January 2016 – 31st December 2020. The cost for the scheme was £580 plus £20 fit and proper check.


The Newport Scheme is from 13th June 2019 – 12th June 2024, however only covers part of Newport as phase 1.   The License Fee £730 + £20 Fit and proper check.


Following the success of North Ormesby, the Council went on to re-designate North Ormesby and the current scheme started in 14th June 2021 and will run until 13th June 2026. The License Fee is £745 + £20 Fit and proper check. The reason for the increase in license fee was that during the first scheme, the fees were part funded by the Council whereas the re-designation scheme and Newport and funded by license fees only.


The Manager advised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21/8


Draft Final report- Cultural Events in Middlesbrough: Impact and Future

The draft final report regarding Cultural events in Middlesbrough will be presented to the Board.


On behalf of the Chair, the Democratic Services Officers presented the final report regarding Cultural events in Middlesbrough.

Following discussions, the panel agreed to recommend the following to Executive:


1) To enhance and strengthen community cohesion, cultural events traditionally held in the town centre should be delivered within communities where possible. Ideally this should take place with at least some elements of the Christmas 2021 celebrations.


2) Given its growing cultural and financial significance the Council should work with relevant third parties, including charities and the private sector, to introduce eSports as a regular and high profile cultural event. Where possible this should relate to wider leisure initiatives the Council is currently involved in.


3) Future leisure developments in the town centre should look to include opportunities for associated hospitality venues, such as an eSports business.


4) In order to attract a wider audience; the Council should continue to work with Teesside University so that the Town Hall can be used as a venue for the Animex Festival, ideally for the event held in 2022.


5) To attract audiences that sit outside Middlesbrough’s local boundaries; the events team should explore how to exploit virtual event delivery by having an on-line component.


AGREED- That the final report on Cultural events be agreed and forwarded to Overview and Scrutiny Board and then referred to Executive to approve the recommendations.



Draft Terms of Reference- Tough Enough? Enforcement in Middlesbrough and its impact on crime and anti-social behaviour. pdf icon PDF 271 KB


The Democratic Services Officer outlined that following agreement of the Panel’s work programme, it had been agreed to look at Tough enough? Enforcement in Middlesbrough and its impact on crime and anti-social behaviour.


The panel considered some draft terms of reference for the review.


The Chair also outlined that he saw merit in undertaking the ward councillor survey devised by the Police and Crime Task and Finish group with regard to communications with Cleveland Police as a separate item, and the Democratic Services Officer would amend and circulate this questionnaire in the next few months.




-        That the following terms of reference be agreed:


1.      To examine the powers set out in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and how this has shaped Middlesbrough’s partnership working to tackle crime and anti –social behavior in the Town.

2.      To understand the nature and levels of anti-social behavior and crime across the town. Has there been improvement or decline over the past 2 years?

3.      To understand perceptions and impacts of crime and anti-social behavior in the town on residents.

4.      To gain an understanding of the locality model and understand the impact this has made on residents and anti- social behaviour within these two areas and merits of wider roll out.


-        That the ward councillor survey in respect to communication with Cleveland Police be circulated in the next few months.






Chair's OSB Update

The Chair will provide a verbal update to the Board on issues discussed at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 8 September 2021.


The Chair provided a verbal update to the Board on the issued raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 8 September 2021.  These included:


·        The Mayor’s attendance at the Board to discuss his aims and aspirations, progress made to date and to highlight any emerging issues relating to his portfolios.

·        Scrutiny Chairs update

·        Final report of the Children and Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel regarding Behaviour, discipline and bullying in schools.

·        Executive Forward Work Programme

·        Chief Executive’s Update.


That the update be noted.



Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered.


No items.