Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Georgina Moore/Chris Lunn
No. | Item | |||||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 22 July 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of
the Planning and Development Committee held on 22 July 2022 were submitted and
approved as a correct record. |
Schedule of Remaining Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee Schedule –
Page 13 Item 1 –
Land At Low Lane – Page 15 Item 2 –
Grey Towers Village – Page 129 Item 3 – 15
Salton Close – Page 143 Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land
under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 20/0510/OUT Outline planning application for
commercial development (Use Class E), including access, parking, and associated
infrastructure and development (all matters reserved except for access, layout
and scale) at Land at Low Lane, Middlesbrough, TS5 8EH for ML Retail
(Development) Limited The
above application had been identified as requiring a site visit by members of
the Planning and Development Committee. Accordingly, a site visit had been held
on the morning prior to the meeting. Full
details of the planning application and the plan status were outlined in the
report. The report contained a detailed analysis of the application and
analysed relevant policies from the National Planning Policy Framework and the
Local Development Framework. The
Head of Planning advised that the principle issues to be considered in respect
of the application were: ·
site proposals and the
policy context; ·
retail issues; ·
highway matters; and ·
sustainability and
highways issues. The
purpose of the application was to seek outline planning consent for a
commercial development (Use class E) including access, parking and associated
infrastructure at land at the A1044 in Middlesbrough. The proposal was for all
matters to be reserved except for access, layout and scale. The
application site was an area of grassland located between the A174 and Low Lane
(A1044) in Middlesbrough, an area of approximately 1.7 hectares. The site was
located to the north of the A174 with the slip road from the A174 to Low Lane
located along the eastern boundary of the site. Along the northern and western
perimeters of the site was Low Lane. Residential
housing was located to the east (along Low Lane) with a modern housing
development located to the north and west of the site, which formed part of the
Brookfield allocation. The
site was located to the south of the A1044 Low Lane/Jack Simon Way roundabout
and was surrounded on all sides by main highways, specifically the A1044 to the
northern half of the site A174 and A174 eastbound exit slip road to the
southern half of the site. The
proposed development requested planning permission for 9 units: •
Unit 1 would be 1,899
square metres of floor space for a Limited Assortment Discount (“LAD”) food
store (i.e. Lidl); •
Unit 2 would be 1,858
square metres of floor space for a variety store, or variety store and food
store; •
Units 3 to 6 and 8 to 9
would be smaller units of 92 square metres each; and •
Unit 7 would be 180
square metres of floor space for a drive thru unit. The
proposal planned to provide 218 car parking spaces, including 11 disabled
spaces and 9 parent and child spaces with 54 cycle spaces. In addition, a
Toucan Crossing was proposed to the east of the Low Lane/Jack Simon Way
roundabout. In terms of the policy context, paragraphs 4 to 49 of the submitted report provided information on both local and ... view the full minutes text for item 22/7 |