Agenda and minutes

Planning and Development Committee - Friday 14th April, 2023 1.30 pm

Venue: Mandela Room

Contact: Georgina Moore 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting.


Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 17 March 2023 pdf icon PDF 171 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 17 March 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record.



Schedule of Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Schedule - Page 11

Item 1 - 136 Low Lane - Page 13

Item 2 - Units 9 - 10 Captain Cook Square - Page 23


Additional documents:


The Head of Planning submitted plans deposited as applications to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

22/0714/COU Change of use from residential dwelling (use class C3) to care facility (use class C2) with no external works at 136 Low Lane, Middlesbrough, TS5 8EE for Courtyard Care Limited.


The above application had been identified as requiring a site visit by members of the Planning and Development Committee. Accordingly, a site visit had been held prior to the meeting.


Full details of the planning application and the plan status were outlined in the report. The report contained a detailed analysis of the application and analysed relevant policies from the National Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Framework.


The Head of Planning explained that the application related to the change of use of 136 Low Lane from a dwellinghouse (C3 use) to a children’s home (C2 use) for the accommodation of up to six children (between the ages of 7 and 18 years). Members heard that the application had indicated that the children’s home would be staffed 24 hours per day.


It was explained that, given that the property was detached, with large front and rear gardens and a large driveway, it was considered to provide adequate space to accommodate the proposed use.


It was advised that the site backed onto the A174, with properties located either side of it.  There were no external changes proposed as part of the scheme.  It was commented that, internally, the ground floor layout would provide a lounge/kitchen/diner with three bedrooms and a sensory room.  In addition, the upper floor layout planned to provide two further bedrooms and a staff room.


It was highlighted that, with the use being served off a relatively highly trafficked road with an existing access, any undue impacts on highway safety or free flow of traffic would be prevented.  Members heard that the existing parking arrangements could provide spaces for up to 8 vehicles at the front of the dwelling and vehicles were able to access the site in forward gear.


It was advised that the proposed use was based on the occupation of 6 children between the ages of 7 and 18 years. Members heard that it was considered important to limit the use of the children’s home so that no more than 6 children could reside there at any one time.


The submitted details had indicated that the home would be staffed by up to 25 staff members, or full-time equivalent posts. Members heard that staff members would work on a 24/7 rotating shift basis, under the guidance and supervision of a dedicated home manager.  It was commented that it was probable that no more than 7 staff members would be on duty during each daytime shift and 4 during each nightshift.


Members heard that 28 objections to the proposals had been submitted and 3 letters of support had been received. In summary, Members were advised that the objections related to concerns over anti-social behaviour,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/33


Delegated Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Head of Planning submitted details of planning applications which had been approved to date in accordance with the delegated authority granted to him at Minute 187 (29 September 1992).


The Head of Planning advised that the decision regarding Nunthorpe Hall Farm should not have been referenced, as that decision had been taken by the Planning and Development Committee on Friday 17 March 2023.